Yes I Had my Twin bro on the ground asking him all the questions I was thinking and saying aloud from the tree stand whitch was a climber and I had a very hard time getting down fast cause I was so upset. The ratchet straps in the back was giving me trouble cause I was so upset. Plus I didnt wanna fall even with my safty belt attatched. And the Dnr warden did follow up on Monday morning with the complaint I had. the lady in the Forestry office got calls from warden Weber and a warden Supervisor and 11 other hunters he kicked out of that area on opening Day she told me and he was Corrected. My thought was what did we do (other hunters and I) that was so wrong that around like 8 am some uninformed county employie comes up and ruined my Opening day what I have spent thousands of Dollars on scouting and driving up to over the fall bow hunting just waiting for gun season to open up and one person like that can just say something with out any warning or anything that I have to go. If anyone knows anyother things I could have done that would be so helpfull too. this was my first time ever dealing with something like this! Hopefully my last!