Author Topic: 2017 Wisconsin waterfowl, other migratory game bird hunting seasons finalized  (Read 27360 times)

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2017 Wisconsin waterfowl, other migratory game bird hunting seasons finalized

Migratory game bird hunters in Wisconsin will have seasons for duck, geese, dove, woodcock and other migratory game birds that are nearly identical to the structure seen in 2016 under a rule approved by the state Natural Resources Board at its April 12 meeting in Madison.

Similar to last year, the Horicon Canada goose hunting zone will have one single continuous 92-day time period, rather than the two split time periods experienced in the past. In addition, the pintail daily bag limit based on U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service frameworks, has been reduced from two to one.

The first of the 2017 migratory game bird seasons will open with the early Canada goose, mourning dove and early teal seasons. Regular waterfowl hunting seasons will include a 60-day duck season and 92-day goose season.

As a reminder to Canada goose hunters, registration of Canada geese within 48 hours of harvest is still required. However, in-field validation of the Canada goose hunting permit is no longer required. Canada goose harvest registration can be conducted via phone at 1-844-GAME-REG (1-844-426-3734) or online at GameReg.Wi.Gov.

Early season dates are as follows:

• Early Teal - Sept. 1-7 (six birds per day) (Extended to fourth year due to USFWS regulatory timeline);

• Early Goose - Sept. 1-15 (five birds per day);

• Mourning Dove - Sept. 1 to Nov. 29 (15 birds per day); and

• Woodcock - Sept. 23 to Nov. 6 (three birds per day).

Duck season dates and bag limits are as follows:

Opening day shooting hours would begin one-half hour before sunrise for all regular waterfowl hunting seasons.

• Youth Hunt - Sept. 16-17;

• North Zone - Sept. 23 to Nov. 21;

• South Zone - Sept. 30 to Oct. 8 and Oct. 14 to Dec. 3 (five-day split); and

• Mississippi Zone - Sept. 30 to Oct. 6 and Oct. 14 to Dec. 5 (seven-day split, closed Oct. 7-13).

The daily bag limit statewide is six ducks, including no more than:

• four mallards, of which only one may be a hen;

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• one black duck;

• two canvasbacks;

• three wood ducks;

• one pintail;

• three scaup; and

• two redheads.

Five mergansers can be harvested daily, of which no more than two may be hooded.

Regular goose season dates are as follows:

The state is apportioned into two goose hunting zones for the regular season: Horicon and Exterior. The Mississippi River is a sub-zone within the Exterior Zone. Daily bag limits are two geese each in the Exterior and Horicon zones.

Exterior Zone (92 days total):

• North - Sept. 16 to Dec. 16;

• South - Sept. 16 to Oct. 8 and Oct. 14 to Dec. 21; and

• Mississippi - Sept. 30 to Oct. 6 and Oct. 14 to Jan. 4.

Horicon Zone (one period, 12 tags per hunter):

• Horicon - Sept. 16 - Dec. 16.

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