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Green Bay Fishing Report:
« on: August 03, 2016, 12:21:15 PM »
Green Bay Fishing Report:
« Last Edit: September 13, 2016, 11:51:56 AM by mudbrook »
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Green Bay Fishing Report:
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2017, 11:15:19 AM »
Green Bay Fishing Report: September 26, 2017
Door Co.
A few smallmouth bass have been caught from the piers at Murphy Park, Egg Harbor and Ephraim but action seems to be slowing down. Bass fishermen getting out to the Strawberry Islands and Washington Island have been doing well when the wind permits. Casting the weeds in Fish Creek with crankbaits has been productive for Northern Pike. Chinook are just starting to move in for the fall run. Action in Baileys Harbor and Fish Creek as well as other area streams will pick up as we head into October.
Chaudoirs Dock – Anglers on the hunt for walleye weren’t doing so hot over the past week out of Chaudiors dock. About every other boat came back with a few fish for the cooler. While they were out they also caught a nice variety of other fish like, freshwater drum, catfish, white bass, white perch and few whitefish. No perch anglers were interviewed. During the week there were 5-7 trailers in the lot and 7-10 on the weekend
Sugar Creek - No angler’s observed
Rites Cove - No angler’s observed
Little Sturgeon Bay – During the week the mix was mostly walleye and perch anglers but with the uncharacteristically warm weather pleasure boaters and bass fishermen snuck out on the water. The walleye anglers didn’t do too well and only a few boats brought back any fish at all. Perch anglers on the other hand did alright. There were a few boats that came back empty but the majority of those out fishing for perch took home 7-15 fish. During the weekend bass anglers caught less than a handful of fish for half a day on the water. During the week there were 10-12 trailers in the lot and over 20 during the weekend.
Sawyer Harbor – Over the previous week there was a blend of anglers and pleasure boaters out on the water. A few went fishing for walleye and all but one came back with empty live wells. The Perch anglers on the other hand were surprisingly consistent with their catch. Most boats were harvesting over 15 fish and a few even hit their limit. Some fish were measured and had lengths from 8-11 inches. A few bass anglers were also interviewed and all of them averaged less than 10 fish for half a day out on the water. While out anglers also caught a few gobies as well as a few nice northern pike. The parking lot averaged around 8 trailers in it during the week and 15 during the weekend.
Brown/Kewaunee Co. - Bay side from Sturgeon Bay area south
Bayshore - Over this past week walleye fishing hasn’t been overwhelmingly successful but it has been consistent. Most boats were harvesting 2-5 fish for half a day worth of fishing and throwing back a couple fish that were short. They were also catching freshwater drum, white perch, and catfish. Yellow perch anglers were having trouble locating fish but when they did they were putting at least 10 per boat in the cooler. Most fish measured were 9-11 inches with a few that broke 13 in. Anglers using night crawlers were catching far more round goby’s than those that were using minnows. During the week the parking lot was about a third full and almost full on the weekend.
Suamico – Boat anglers were targeting walleye and musky with little luck. Anglers after musky reported not having any luck, while walleye anglers reported bringing in 2-4 fish per trip. Again, the warm weather over the weekend brought out more recreational boaters than anglers with around 45 trailers in the lot.
Longtail Lauches- no anglers or trailers
Metro launch – An average of 8 trailers were observed at the beginning of the week and nearly 60 trailers over the weekend with the warm weather. At the beginning few boat anglers reported targeting walleye and caught approximately 6 fish for a half day out. This weekends unseasonably hot weather brought out more recreational boaters than anglers, though the anglers which were out had fairly consistent luck as anglers earlier in the week.
Fox River Mouth – High trailer counts all week which ended up resulting in high number of interviews from pleasure boaters. With the nice weather we have had lately the public is getting on the water and enjoying the sun. As for anglers, walleye has been the main target with anglers launching from the mouth and running a couple miles north usually. Walleye angler have had a tough time finding decent numbers of walleyes and they are also struggling to keep the non-target fish off their lines, many times white perch or freshwater drum will hit their baits before a walleye has time. Shore anglers from the river mouth have still been doing good catching freshwater drum with the occasional channel catfish mixed in. The river’s water temperature is quite high right now with many anglers reporting 82-85 degree surface temperatures.
Fox River- Almost all of my interviews from the upper portion of the river came from pleasure boaters with most of the anglers targeting fish out in the bay right now. Fish species that have been caught by anglers in the upper portion have been, freshwater drum, and channel catfish.
Fox Point Launch – Few trailers observed, no interviews taken
Fairgrounds – Few trailers observed, no interviews taken.
Duck Creek - Few trailers observed, no interviews taken
Voyager Park – Few anglers observed, no interviews taken.
Red River - No anglers observed
Oconto Co.
Blue gill and crappie still top the list that fishermen are after below the Dam at Stiles on the Oconto River, live bait is working the best. Anglers floating the Oconto River report catching good numbers of small mouth using small crank baits and plastics. Walleye anglers fishing from the Pensaukee River mouth to Oconto Park II report having success in about 15 feet of water trolling with large cranks and crawler/harness. The perch bite has been decent at times with most fish being caught early morning using minnows or crawler chunks, staying mobile has been the rule. A few pink salmon and Kings have been observed below the Dam at Stiles.
Genoas Beach - Anglers reported targeting mostly musky with little luck. Some said they were saw one or two fish, but were unable to reel any in. Some (3-5) walleyes were also caught by a few anglers with freshwater drum, gobies, and white bass as well. The parking lot had much less trailers as normal, averaging around 10 throughout the week and weekend.
Marinette Co.
Anglers floating the Peshtigo River report catching goodly numbers of small mouth and pike casting cranks and plastics to structure and current breaks. Perch anglers are having some success fishing the lower part of the river using minnows and crawler chunks. A few salmon have been seen in the Peshtigo River. Perch anglers out of Little River are having success fishing in and around the weed beds using crawler chunks and minnows, lots of small fish being reported. Perch are also being caught at Red Arrow Beach using the same techniques. Some walleye and small mouth are being caught in the Menominee River mainly from Stephenson Island up to the Dam at Hattie Street. A variety of presentations are being used. King salmon have been observed jumping at the Hattie Street Dam.
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Green Bay Fishing Report: June 18, 2018
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2018, 04:55:02 PM »
Green Bay Fishing Report: June 18, 2018
Brown County
Duck Creek – Highest number of trailers and shore anglers Duck Creek has seen this year however anglers reported the fishing to be slow with no fish caught of those that were interviewed.
Suamico – Very few walleyes have been harvested since the cold front has gone through but still most anglers reported catching numerous freshwater drum, a few white perch and an occasional northern pike. Muskie anglers reported putting a couple in the boat along with a few northern, with a couple follow ups besides.
Oconto County
Geano’s Beach – Similar to Suamico anglers experienced very low catch rates of walleyes but still most anglers reported catching numerous freshwater drum, a few white perch and an occasional northern pike.
Pensaukee River Ramp – A good number of anglers used the Pensaukee river boat ramp this week. Anglers were reporting success catching northern pike, perch, and walleye.
Oconto River – Fishing pressure was lower overall this past week. Perch were being caught using nightcrawlers at water depths between 5 and 10 ft. Walleye were being caught using crankbaits at water depths of 10 – 18 ft. The water temperatures for the Oconto river ranged from 68 – 76°F over the weekend.
Oconto Breakwater and Harbor – Anglers on the pier were having some success catching catfish, northern pike, perch, and smallmouth bass this week. Anglers using the boat launch were reporting success catching channel catfish, northern pike, perch, smallmouth bass, and walleye.
Oconto Park II - Fishing pressure has remained good at the Oconto Park II area this week. Anglers were reporting success catching some perch, smallmouth bass, and walleye over the weekend.
Stiles Dam and Iron Bridge Area - While fishing pressure has decreased this week. Anglers were reporting success catching crappie, northern pike, and smallmouth bass. Fishing pressure was overall relatively low over this week.
Marinette County – Menomonee River
A lot of people were out enjoying the hot weekend out on the water. Anglers were having success catching some catfish and walleye. A handful of anglers were having success catching brown trout this weekend using spoons while trolling. Walleye were being caught at water depths of 10 – 18 ft using crankbaits. The water temperatures on the Menominee ranged around 68 – 70°F over this past week.
Boom Landing Ramp – Fishing pressure was lower throughout this past week. Some anglers were having success catching brown trout, catfish, crappie, drum, northern pike, rock bass, and smallmouth bass.
Mystery Ship Ramp – Fishing pressure was lower over the past week. Anglers were having some success catching catfish and walleye.
Ann Arbor Ramp – Anglers were having success catching northern pike, smallmouth bass and some walleye.
Menekaunee Harbor – Anglers reported having success catching drum, northern pike and walleye this week.
Menomonee County – Peshtigo River
Fishing pressure on the Peshtigo river was more concentrated on the river mouth area over the past week. Walleye were being caught at water depths of 10 – 18 ft using crankbaits. The water temperatures ranged from 70 – 75°F over the weekend.
Peshtigo Dam – Fishing pressure is low along at the Peshtigo dam area. Anglers were catching some drum, suckers and smallmouth bass this week.
Peshtigo Municipal Garage Ramp – Fishing pressure has low this week. Anglers were having success catching northern pike and smallmouth bass.
Peshtigo River Mouth (at the end of Harbor Rd in Peshtigo Harbor Wildlife area) – lower fishing pressure was observed at the Peshtigo river mouth ramp over the last week. Anglers were having success catching northern pike, smallmouth bass, and walleye this week.
Klingsborn’s Ramp (5 mi down CTY RD BB outside Peshtigo) – Fishing pressure remained steady over the past week. Anglers were having success catching northern pike and walleye this week.
Green Bay/Fox River
Metro Boat Launch – Due to the high temperatures the launch was full but majority were pleasure boaters out enjoying the sun. Those that were fishing reported slow fishing since the cold front has come through with most anglers catching only a few walleyes. Still reports of high numbers of freshwater drum and catfish being caught in addition to being very large in size. No interviews were taken of muskie anglers.
Voyager Park – High numbers of anglers were out enjoying the warm weather but very few fish were caught. Those that were caught were the occasional small walleye, white bass and catfish.
Brown County
Bayshore - Fishing effort over the past week continues to focus towards walleye. Catch and harvest was slightly better than previous weeks but very few people caught more than a dozen fish for half a day on the water. Average catch was 3-6 fish with a couple ending up in the cooler. The only thing that was biting with consistency and ferocity were freshwater drum. Anglers also caught the occasional white bass and round goby. During the week the parking lot was around half full by lunch time.
Sturgeon Bay
Little Sturgeon – Those in search of smallmouth bass found a few fish over the past week out of Little Sturgeon. The average angler was catching less than a dozen fish for half a day on the water. Sizes of fish were reported around a couple pounds. During the week when the weather was good the parking lot had 12-16 trailers in it by mid-day. Anglers also caught a few freshwater drum while out.
Sawyer Harbor – Action for smallmouth bass has gotten slightly better over the past week with most anglers catch 3-15 fish for half a day out on the water. Sizes were reported in the 1-3 pound range. While out anglers also caught a few freshwater drum. Anglers from shore caught a dozen or so panfish and a few smaller smallmouth bass.
Sturgeon Bay City Shore - Anglers were out catching rock bass and a few yellow perch. Bullheads are beginning to be reported along the shore near the highway bridge.
Sturgeon Bay Ramp - Light angler activity and a few trailers were spotted in the week, and most parties returned with a few smallies and walleye.
Sturgeon Bay Piers - Occasional wind and rain made conditions less than favorable along the piers. No interviews were taken.
Stone Quarry Ramp - Light pressure was had early in the week, though things sped up for smallmouth bass fishing come the weekend. Boats returned having caught 12-30 smallies on average after a full day of fishing.
Stone Quarry Shore - A few smallmouth bass and freshwater drum were caught. An occasional walleye was hooked. Good luck was had with spinner baits and worms.
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