Upland bird hunters and outdoor enthusiasts:The Wisconsin DNR is asking for your help in measuring the brood production of the state?s upland game bird species. We are looking for observations of broods of pheasant, wild turkey, ruffed grouse, sharp-tailed grouse, prairie chicken, gray partridge, and bobwhite quail. Wisconsinites spend many days outdoors during the summer months, and while doing so see a variety of our state?s abundant wildlife. This makes you a good source of information on the reproductive status of some of our wildlife species. No special effort is required! Just go about your normal summertime activities, and when you see a brood of young pheasants, turkey, ruffed grouse, sharp-tailed grouse, prairie chicken, gray partridge, or bobwhite quail, please report your sightings. Instructions on how to perform the survey and a tally sheet for your use can be found here Also report any sightings of turkey and pheasant hens that do not have broods. Results from your observations will be used to monitor the reproductive status of these birds and to help make fall hunting forecasts. If you have any questions about the survey, or if you have any issues accessing the survey website please contact Brian Dhuey
Thank you for your interest in Wisconsin?s wildlife!