Reminder: Bonus antlerless tags go on sale soon - are you up to speed on how to get your tags?
Bonus antlerless tags, where available, will go on sale on the following dates:
Northern and Central Forest Zones: Aug. 18 at 10 a.m.;
Central Farmland Zone: Aug. 19 at 10 a.m.;
Southern Farmland Zone: Aug. 20 at 10 a.m.; and
All zones will offer bonus antlerless tags for purchase until each zone has sold out or until the season ends starting Aug. 21 at 10 a.m.
Bonus tags will be available at the rate of one tag per customer per day. This year, all bonus tags will cost $12 for residents, $20 for non-residents and $5 for youth (ages 10 and 11). Be sure to specify unit (county), zone (Farmland or Forest), and land type (public or private) for the land on which you intend to hunt.
If you have questions regarding how tags are designated, where tags are available, how many tags you can purchase, the price of tags or any other tag-related topics, tune in on Tuesday, August 12 at 12 p.m. Deer management professionals will be offering an online chat to get you up to speed on purchasing your antlerless tags for the 2014 season. To participate, please visit and search keyword “expert.” For more information on bonus antlerless tags, visit, keyword “deer” and click on the bonus antlerless permit link.