WDNR Weekly News May 17, 2011
Free Fishing Weekend June 4-5MADISON - People of all ages can fish for free in Wisconsin on June 4 and 5, the state's Free Fishing Weekend, and now it's easier than ever for newbies to cast a few....
http://dnr.wi.gov/news/DNRNews_article_Lookup.asp?id=1773State Park Open House June 5MADISON - Enjoying Wisconsin State Parks, Forests, Trails and Recreation Areas is a bargain any time of year but on the first Sunday of June they are an exceptional value, as entrance to any state park, forest, trail and recreation property is free....
Forest tent and eastern tent caterpillars may be highly visible in Wisconsin this springMADISON -- State forest health specialists report that populations of two leaf-eating, native caterpillars appear to be on the rise in some parts of the state....
http://dnr.wi.gov/news/DNRNews_article_Lookup.asp?id=1775Draft American marten management plan available for review and commentMADISON - Two or more self-sustaining populations of American martens would be maintained in northern Wisconsin with an ultimate goal of upgrading the species status from its current endangered species classification, under a draft management plan currently open for public comment....
Federal funding allows for stepped up efforts on aquatic invasive speciesMADISON -- Two hundred Wisconsin lakes with boat landings will be surveyed this summer in a search of new or never been reported populations of zebra mussels, Eurasian water milfoil and other aquatic invasive species....
http://dnr.wi.gov/news/DNRNews_article_Lookup.asp?id=1777'Tis the season?to slow the spread of invasive speciesMADISON -- As residents and visitors to Wisconsin gear up for camping, fishing, hiking, and other recreation activities, state invasive species control specialists are asking them to consider how these activities can inadvertently spread invasive plants around the state....
http://dnr.wi.gov/news/DNRNews_article_Lookup.asp?id=1778Reminder to leave wild animals wildPOYNETTE - White-tailed deer fawns are starting to be seen in Wisconsin, and state wildlife officials and conservation wardens are receiving calls from people concerned about "abandoned" fawns....
http://dnr.wi.gov/news/DNRNews_article_Lookup.asp?id=1779Comments sought on water conservation and water use efficiency goalsMADSON - People can help shape development of a statewide voluntary water conservation and efficiency program by commenting through June 15 on draft goals and objectives....
http://dnr.wi.gov/news/DNRNews_article_Lookup.asp?id=1780Large Water Withdrawal Registration required by June 30MADISON -- Industries, large irrigators, cranberry growers and other facilities that can withdraw 100,000 gallons per day or 70 gallons per minute or more from all water sources on their property are required to register with the state by June 30, 2011....