Wisconsin DNR Weekly News, January 19, 2010
Snowmobile Safety Team Patrols Eagle RiverMADISON - A special snowmobile enforcement team that patrolled around the Eagle River area during the 47th annual World Championship Snowmobile Derby last weekend was successful in helping keep the event free of any serious snowmobile crashes ...
http://dnr.wi.gov/news/DNRNews_article_Lookup.asp?id=1319Municipalities need to know where to go with the snow to protect water qualityMADISON - Wisconsin municipalities dealing with tons of snow removed from roads, sidewalks and parking lots should take steps to prevent harming surface waters and groundwater....
http://dnr.wi.gov/news/DNRNews_article_Lookup.asp?id=1318Timber wolf tracking and ecology clinic offeredBABCOCK, Wis. -- The Sandhill Outdoor Skills Center and Timber Wolf Information Network are co-sponsoring a Timber Wolf Ecology Clinic where biologists and volunteers will provide instruction on aspects of wolf ecology, including status, population biology and field study techniques...