Now that the first hurdle has been crossed, it's time to focus on the core issue which is the over winter goal. I have been saying for some time that once we get to goal, most hunters would not like it. Using the DNR's DMU Master table (which lists expected harvest values in an "At Goal" scenario) and gathering up the harvest data from all the 2008 deer seasons, I put together a spreadsheet and this map comparing your season last year to what you can expect if the over winter goal of 737,000 is realized. I wish I had completed this task prior to the Madison hearing but there is time to get this info into the hands of those that have supported us.
This is why I had my over winter goal increase resolution submitted in about 15 counties. The goal is the next target that will be focused on with greater emphasis. Raising the Over Winter goal is what myself and a few others have been advocating while sitting on the DMU goal advisory board. That board meets again on Sat. (April 25).