Author Topic: Listening sessions set on practices for dealing with invasive forest pests  (Read 1254 times)

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Listening sessions set on practices for dealing with invasive forest pests

MADISON – The public will have an opportunity to learn more about and comment on proposed voluntary practices aimed at limiting the introduction or spread of invasive species in Wisconsin forests at a series of public listening sessions that will be held around the state in August.

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources-Forestry Division, in partnership with the Wisconsin Council on Forestry, will hold four listening sessions on a set of proposed voluntary best management practices (BMPs) for invasive species.

“These best management practices offer a framework for addressing the invasive species problems in Wisconsin forests,” says Thomas Boos, forestry invasive plant coordinator for the state Department of Natural Resources.

The DNR and forest council have developed a Forestry BMP Manual that offers voluntary practices to integrate with normal forest management activities that might otherwise be a vector for the spread of invasive species.

“The manual includes standards of practice that will aid landowners, land managers, and loggers in limiting the introduction and spread of invasive plants, invertebrates, and diseases,” Boos says.

Attendees at the listening sessions will have an opportunity to view a presentation on the voluntary invasive BMPs and have a chance to ask questions at a series of information stations. Topics that will be part of the listening sessions include management planning, forest stewardship, timber harvesting, forest access, reforestation and restoration, and the transport and storage of wood products.

The listening sessions, all of which will start at 4 p.m., will be held at the following locations.

    * August 18, Rhinelander - Rhinelander City Hall, 135 S. Stevens St.
    * August 19, Stevens Point - Portage County Courthouse Annex, 1462 Strongs Ave.
    * August 20, Spooner - Spooner Ag Research Station, W6646 Highway 70.
    * August 21, Madison - Madison Public Library-Hawthorne Branch, 2707 E. Washington Ave.

More information about the invasive BMPs can be found at the Wisconsin Council on Forestry’s Web site [].

Anyone unable to attend one of the listening sessions can share their opinions at the Wisconsin Council on Forestry Web site or can submit their views in writing by Sept. 5, 2008 to: Wisconsin DNR-Forestry Division, Attn.: Thomas Boos FR/4, PO Box 7921, Madison, WI 53707-7921.

In 2006, representatives of Wisconsin’s forestry community made a commitment to protect the native biodiversity and economic productivity of the state’s forests through the development of voluntary best management practices. The original charge came from the Wisconsin Council on Forestry (a stakeholder organization that advises the governor). The Forestry Invasive Leadership Team, which provided the technical assistance to the Forestry Council, guided the process and developed a set of voluntary guidance for landowners, loggers, and land managers.

“From the outset, everyone involved in the process has been committed to the common goal of sustaining the productivity and viability of Wisconsin’s forest resources,” Boos said. “As a result of the variety of perspectives and experiences of participants and their commitment to opening this process up to all stakeholders, the resulting BMPs will be effective and reasonable to implement. The listening sessions provide yet another opportunity to incorporate input from all sectors of the forestry community.”

FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Thomas Boos (608) 266-9276
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