Monday, February 9, 2009
The leaders of the United Bowhunters of Pennsylvania did not immediately make an official statement after Pennsylvania Game Commissioners approved crossbows for use in the statewide six-week archery season.
They have now.
It's clear that the group's positions have not changed: they disagree that crossbows are a primitive weapon and want the commission to track their use somehow.
"The United Bowhunters of Pennsylvania remain steadfast that the crossbow is a superior weapon to a bow and should not be permitted in archery seasons other than by those hunters who qualify as physically unable to draw and hold a bow," reads the statement, released by the group's president, Wes Waldron.
The statement goes on to say that allowing an unknown number of crossbows into the archery season, with no way to track participation or impact on the deer harvest, "represents a departure from the limited and incremental approach historically utilized when providing new or expanded hunting opportunity." It further "depicts an overall deviation from the scientific, biological and social concerns of conscientious wildlife management.
"Therefore, we feel that any hunting license increase package must include a crossbow license to accurately track harvest and participation," it concludes.
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