Author Topic: Yesterday I shot the "World record whitetail"  (Read 7344 times)

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Offline Bukmastr

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Yesterday I shot the "World record whitetail"
« on: November 30, 2008, 11:59:03 AM »
Yesterday I shot the "World record whitetail" by getting the worlds smallest buck. 
In my defense, a deer with a body that size could not possibly be a fawn... So I just new it was a doe when I could see the head at 75 yards and could not see antlers. Heck, you wouldn't even be able to see the antlers in the pic if it were not for my great ability to exaggerate rack size in photo's...  Anywho, after following the blood trail backwards a while in the dark and ending up back at the treestand I learned a valuable lesson about tracking...
 This weeks hard luck story don't begin with the hunt, thats the boring part... Nope it begins when I leave the parking lot. It was kind of strange but, I got stuck and my tires were spinning as I tried backing up hill out the access. My tires are in great condition this week so it was hard to understand. The tires in the back were bald last week, but this week they had finally worn in and the gription wires were stating to come out. I notice a lot of other drivers change there tires way to early before they get there gription wires to come out. Thats where I step in and grab the tires they toss...  Another great tip right there!
 They also light up the road as they spark and I know thats why the town cop ain't given me a burnt out tail light ticket yet. They leave you alone when the observe such respect for safety...
  Well... back to the story. I kept rolling back to dry ground and getting my speed up as fast as possible to try and make it back up onto the road but it was hard to see thru all the smoke and piles of sometimes used equipment stuffed in the back with the deer...
  Finally with and all out pedal to the metal my gription wires grabbed and I flew up onto the road at a high rate of speed and in a cloud of smoke. Trouble was now I was headed  across into the other ditch  :shock:  No problem my break pads have finally worn down to the right thickness where you get the metal on metal stopping power you need in a time like this. And did they ever work! the two metal pads welded themselves right together and brought me to a sliding stop. Trouble was all that V-6 power in my Toyota 2X4 with 355,000 miles on it had all ready sent me into the ditch on the far side of the road. But Dan the super Genius Instantly threw it in 1st gear and dropped the excelerator to the floor. With a neck breaking change of direction I was doing the worlds greatest burny and was back on the pavement headed for the registration station to get there before they closed. After the 20 minute drive I pulled up and was about to run inside to get my buck tag ! ( Here in Wisconsin they give you a buck tag in exchange for shooting a tiny buck.. Only in Wisconsin  :roll:  :lol: ...
  But, I just had to look at the incredible buck I had just shot..  Just one little peek wouldn't hurt. Soooo, I get behind the truck and guess what?  The tailgate is wide open. The deer deer is missing  :shock: My rifle is missing  :shock: My bin of hunting stuff ( video cameras, tapes camera mounts, etc. ) missing  :shock: Lone wolf stand and sticks :shock:
 Man... I new I shoulda fixed that tailgate latch! 
So I jump in the Yota lay rubber in a half circle as I spin around to collect my gear...  I go 90 miles an hour... Er, I mean I go the speed limet ( there are cop forum members here  :lol: ) And race back to look for my gear...  I drive all the 20 minutes back to the spot where I was stuck in the ice... Just my flash light and treestand laying there  :shock:
 Where is everything else?  I drove back to town, this time a little slower and really looked hard ( it was easier at a slower rate of speed ) Then I see it, there is my rifle leaning up against a fence on the side of the road. There were tracks in the snow where someone must of taken it out of the middle of the road and leaned it where I would find it when I came looking...  A little farther and there was my coveralls hanging on a fence... All the way back to registration and there in town up on the side walk dragged out of the road was my gear bin and deer.  8)
  Its all cool when there is a happy ending!  We learned some valuable lessons. And found out there are a few honest people left on this planet.  :D

Dan Infalt
Big buck serial killer

