Author Topic: Wisconsin Statewide Rut Report 11.12.12  (Read 2300 times)

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Wisconsin Statewide Rut Report 11.12.12
« on: November 12, 2012, 09:36:05 PM »
Wisconsin Statewide Rut Report 11.12.12

White-tailed deer rutting activity is going full throttle, with reports of bucks moving all day in pursuit of does in many areas. Archery deer hunters have been out in force and many nice large deer were registered this week.  With the rut at its peak, wardens are also reporting many vehicle-deer collisions taking place.  Drivers should watch rode sides closely and if they see a deer cross the road, slow down and be prepared for another deer to be following. 

Bayfield County
 Bucks are making more scrapes and rubs in the woods in northern Bayfield County. Some bow hunters have been having a hard time seeing any size to bucks, but that should be changing in the next week.

Oconto County
 Buck still seem to be chasing and continue to lead the hit parade as far as vehicle killed deer accidents.

Kewaunee County
 Deer rutting activity is in full swing; many archery hunters are seeing deer they have not seen before and having some success.

Waupaca County
 The deer rut is still ongoing and archery hunters have reported seeing deer at all times of the day.

Kenosha County
 Deer rutting activity seems to have increased over the last week. More and more bucks have been seen chasing does. Many sportsmen think deer hunters may see rutting activity into the nine-day gun deer season.

Lafayette County
 Deer are in full rut and archery hunters are doing well, with a lot of big bucks being taken in the area.

Dane County
Archery deer hunters have been out in full force lately with the rut nearly at its peak. In the past four days, numerous large bucks have been seen out chasing does in the middle of the day. If you are an archery hunter now is the time to get out there before it is too late.

Sauk County
 The deer rut is in full swing in Sauk County. There have been a number of archery hunters that have harvested large antlered bucks this past week. Archery hunters are seeing a lot of deer movement in the middle of the day.

Pierce County
 The rut is in full swing with plenty of activity in the fall woods, bow hunters are reporting bucks chasing does in the area.

Eau Claire County
 The deer are really starting to move due to the rut; hunters are harvesting a lot of deer. Drivers are reminded to slow down and watch for deer crossing the highways.

Buckhorn State Park

 Deer are starting to move with the cooler weather and many deer were seen over the weekend of the Novice Hunt.

Information compiled from the WDNR Outdoor report and private sources
« Last Edit: November 12, 2012, 09:40:01 PM by mudbrook »
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