Author Topic: Wisconsin Statewide Rut Report 11.3.12  (Read 3596 times)

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Wisconsin Statewide Rut Report 11.3.12
« on: November 02, 2012, 07:19:58 PM »
Wisconsin Statewide Rut Report 11.3.12
Sawyer County
 Buck activity is starting to increase -- both rubs and scrapes. Some bucks have been seen chasing does. This is only going to increase as the days go on. Many hunters advise they are seeing more bucks and mature bucks during the morning hunts, versus the evening hunts. Mid-morning seems to be the best time. Hunters are starting to use doe-in-heat now since the bucks are showing interest in the does.

Oneida County
 Eastern Oneida County seeing a lot of buck signs. Scrapes, rubs and bucks indicate rut is beginning. All the leaves are off of the trees now and we received over four inches of rain this past week.

Oconto County
Bucks are in the rut in northern Oconto County. Deer are on the move with several bucks seen the past couple of nights chasing does. Bucks are also leading the ?hit parade? when it comes to vehicle deer collisions the past few days.

Shawano County
 The deer are really starting to move due to the rut. Archer?s are hitting the woods. Drivers are reminded to slow down and drive with care. Many vehicle vs. deer accidents have been reported.

Waupaca County
 Archery hunters are reporting the deer rut is in full swing with deer moving at all times of the day.

Outagamie County

 The deer are rutting in Outagamie County with some real nice bucks being taken.

Walworth County
Deer activity also seems to be picking up. I observed an 8-pointer chasing a doe on Thursday and a small 6 pointer chasing on Tuesday. I am seeing more signs in the woods as well. The scrapes are starting to form.

Dane County
  Rutting activity appears to be in full swing.

Jefferson County

 The Whitetail rut is almost in full swing. Bucks have been seen chasing does at various times of the day.

Rock County
 Bucks have been chasing does during the early morning hours and deer are on the move throughout the day. With the colder temperatures and evidence of scrapes in the woods the rut appears to be getting ramped up in Rock County. Wardens in Rock County are still receiving information about illegal baits on the landscape and hunters are reminded that baiting and feeding of deer in Rock County is prohibited and fines associated with those violations begin at $343.50.

Vernon County
 Archery deer hunters are noting increased numbers of deer, both bucks and antlerless, from the past several years. They have also noted that buck activity has recently intensified, signaling that the rut or breeding period is approaching.

Jackson County
 Numerous bucks have been observed sparing in the fields during the evening hours. Bucks have also been observed running scrape lines during daylight hours.

Information compiled from the WDNR Outdoor report and private sources
« Last Edit: November 02, 2012, 08:26:22 PM by mudbrook »
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