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Big Game => Whitetail Deer => Topic started by: mudbrook on August 22, 2007, 11:50:40 AM

Title: Which Buck would You Shoot?
Post by: mudbrook on August 22, 2007, 11:50:40 AM
Which Buck would You Shoot?
Last Friday night on Whitetail Revolution on VS, I was faced with a dilemma out in a frozen Iowa bean field. In case you missed it, I set it up:

I was sitting on the ground. Some does does fed out of the woods and into the beans. I raised my binocular and saw my all-time dream buck pop out of a field corner (big boys love to come and go through corners, watch there!). His rack was tall and massive, with bases like Red Bulls cans, and he had a big drop tine on his left side.

Damn, I want to kill a drop-tine buck before I die.

My buddy and the outfitter Judd Cooney had seen this buck once. “Kill him, he’s 170,” Judd had said when he dropped me and Stretch (cameraman) off that evening.

I pointed my slug gun at the monster as he strode in—200 yards, 180, 160, 150… My heart was jumping but my 12-gauge was solid on sticks…

I caught a flash to my right. A 160-class 10-pointer was standing broadside 70 yards away, staring at me and Stretch, flinching, twitching, wondering, Who in hell are those guys?