Author Topic: ADVICE ON HOW TO PREVENT HYPOTHERMIA  (Read 2004 times)

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« on: December 03, 2007, 02:47:58 PM »

HARRISBURG - Pennsylvania Game Commission Hunter-Trapper Education
Division Chief Keith A. Snyder is reminding hunters, trappers and other
outdoors enthusiasts to plan well to avoid hypothermia.

"Anyone heading afield for late fall and winter hunting and trapping
seasons should be aware of the threat of hypothermia and how to combat
it," Snyder said.  "Hypothermia occurs when exposure to the wind, cold
and wetness drain heat from the body faster than it can be produced.

"Extreme cold is not required for hypothermia to develop, and most cases
occur when the air temperature is between 30 and 50 degrees.  The best
way to combat hypothermia is to dress properly and avoid getting wet."

Non-absorbent, wicking long underwear of polypropylene or a similar
synthetic base layer, covered by a layer of wool or other insulating
material, such as fleece, followed by a breathable waterproof outer
shell would be good in most wet-weather situations.  The rain gear can
be carried in a small pack, but should be put on before the other
clothes become wet because once a person gets wet, he or she risks
hypothermia.  A warm hat and gloves also help to prevent heat loss.

"Wet clothing should be exchanged for dry clothing as soon as possible,
especially if it is windy," Snyder said.  "Getting out of the wind and
rain promptly can mean the difference between a safe outing and a
life-threatening ordeal."

One of the most important defenses against hypothermia is recognition
and treatment of the early symptoms.  Uncontrolled shivering is the
first signal of the onset of hypothermia.  It also is one of the few
symptoms the victim may recognize.

As hypothermia sets in, slurred speech, frequent stumbling, loss of
manual dexterity, memory lapses, exhaustion and drowsiness occur.

Often a victim will not notice these signs, so hunting partners should
watch each other when wind, water or cold create the potential for

"It is wise to get out of the wind and cold, remove wet clothing, and
warm the body before hypothermia sets in," Snyder said.  "Once the
telltale symptoms are recognized, these steps are absolutely critical:
Stop, take shelter, remove wet clothes and warm the body."

If only mild impairment is evident, warm drinks and dry clothes will
probably solve the problem.  High-energy foods can help provide fuel for
metabolic heat production.  Powdered sweetened gelatin mixed with warm
water makes a high-energy emergency drink.  A warming fire or other heat
source can help speed the recovery.  Wrapping a blanket or crawling into
a sleeping bag, if available, also will speed recovery.

In advanced cases of hypothermia, drowsiness may lead to unconsciousness
and, ultimately, death, unless action is taken to provide warmth.  In
these cases, emergency medical assistance is needed as soon as possible.

The early warning signs of hypothermia result as the body shuts down
circulation to the limbs and nonessential organs in an attempt to
maintain the core temperature. As more energy is drained, survival
becomes dependent upon stopping the outflow of heat and supplying warmth
from external sources.

"Awareness of the signs followed by prompt attention to the problem can
save lives," Snyder said.  "Keep hypothermia in mind whenever you are
outdoors and the weather turns wet or cold."

Release #154-07
Dec. 3, 2007
For Information Contact:
Jerry Feaser
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