Author Topic: PA Game Commission Approves Dogs in Fall Turkey Hunt  (Read 1745 times)

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PA Game Commission Approves Dogs in Fall Turkey Hunt
« on: October 18, 2007, 10:39:15 AM »
DOGS ALLOWED IN FALL TURKEY SEASONThe Pennsylvania Game Commission reminds hunters that a new state law
permits wild turkey hunters to use dogs in the upcoming fall season,
which begins Oct. 27.

On June 30, Gov. Edward Rendell signed Senate Bill 580, which made it
lawful to use a dog "to pursue, chase, scatter and track wild turkeys
during the fall wild turkey season." Before the Governor signed this
legislation, hunters were prohibited from using dogs to hunt any big
game animal, which includes wild turkeys. 

This change of law does not appear in the 2007-2008 Pennsylvania Hunting
and Trapping Digest because the agency has a deadline of mid-April for
material to be included in the annual Digest so that it can be printed
and ready for distribution to license issuing agents in mid-June.
Consequently, the agency is attempting to reach hunters with information
about this new law through news releases and its website, as well as
updates provided by Wildlife Conservation Officers to local hunting and
sportsmen's organizations.

The change in law was contained in Senate Bill 580, sponsored by state
Sen. Roger A. Madigan, which passed the Senate by a vote of 48-1 on May
1.  On June 26, the bill was approved by a vote of 187-14 in the House
of Representatives before being sent to the Governor's desk. 

Every fall, hunters head into Pennsylvania's forests and woodlots in
pursuit of wild turkeys. According to the Pennsylvania Game Commission,
it's one of autumn's greatest competitions as hunters try to call in
their quarries. It's also a time when hunters really need to be in tune
with their surroundings.

"Staying alert and making sound shooting decisions will go a long way
toward ensuring your safety and the safety of others in turkey season
this fall," said Keith Snyder, Game Commission Hunter-Trapper Education
Division chief. "So, too, will always handling your sporting arm in a
safe in responsible way.

"The Pennsylvania Game Commission has worked with the National Wild
Turkey Federation and its cadre of volunteer hunter-trapper education
instructors over the past decade to reverse what was a growing number of
turkey hunting-related shooting incidents. Today, Pennsylvania's woods
are safer for turkey hunters, based on statistics. But hunters must
remain vigilant. Paying attention and hunting safely ensures that your
trip afield remains an enjoyable one."

Hunters are urged to follow the SMART rules for firearms safety that are
reinforced in the agency's Hunter-Trapper Education Program. Being SMART
with firearms will ensure you hunt safely and responsibly.

The acronym SMART reinforces the following rules:

- Safe Direction: Keep your firearm pointed in a safe direction;
- Make Sure: Positively identify your target;
- Always Check: Know what's beyond your target before shooting;
- Respect Firearms: Treat all firearms as if they were loaded; and
- Trigger Caution: Don't touch the trigger until you're ready to shoot.

Turkey hunters should always hunt defensively, assuming every movement
or sound they hear is another hunter until they can be absolutely
certain that it isn't. If you see another hunter approaching your
calling location, don't move or wave to get their attention, yell,
"Stop!" to verbally identify your presence.

Protect your back by sitting at the base of a large tree or rock. Make
sure you positively identify your target as a turkey before you
disengage the safety of your sporting arm.

Don't shoot at movement or sounds you think might be a turkey. Let the
turkeys come to you and watch their approach carefully.

In addition, consider wearing fluorescent orange clothing while afield
at all times.  Even though there were only two hunting-related shooting
incidents during last fall's turkey season, one victim was shot in the
line of fire, and the other was mistaken for game.  Following the SMART
rules will help prevent such incidents.
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