Author Topic: My feelings on Baiting.  (Read 1849 times)

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Offline DBerg

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My feelings on Baiting.
« on: December 04, 2007, 06:55:09 AM »
 Why is it we cant Bait? Ok Cwd and all the neighbor issues on private land. I kinda think that is a lil far fetched, I so wish I could bait cause well, I do it to begin with. Not with Deer anymore but when I am fishing I have yet to see a guy on a public lake come right up and say what kinda worm is that, will it cause the fish to swim upside down? or shake around in the water and I dont think you should use that, or is Fishing a lil bit more ok to Bait? How many Millions of fish would you infect with a bad worm in water, or bad minnow? If for say you was fishing on Lake Michagan? Hummm? Ok This year lets see if the lil mom and pop bait shops can survive if the Deer hunters that didnt Bait this year didnt buy crawlers or minnows Cause they cant bait their hooks. We all have been baiting for years fishing and now lets stop that too. I dont ever think that will happen, so why with deer? When we have only 9 day gun hunting season and Fishing is almost year round come on its a farse. Ok Let me get my facts strait you can bait this year in some areas of the state I know that but hmmm? Isnt fishing all over the state? So what about hunting? And the New rules for dumping your minnows How will that work I dont get all this I wish people didnt get so up set If I pour out 2 gallons of corn in one spot and shoot a deer off it. But those same people will take their kids out on grandpas Pontoon and have bought over 1 pound of leaches and 4 dozen crawlers an 5 dozen fatt heads go fishing for a weekend 2 days keep the fish they catch in a bucket and then eat them isnt that what hunters did in the Past? Go out on grandpas land with a baited hook and then hang the deer from a tree after harvest and eat it? I think it comes down to those kinda people not using live bait to fish and having to try it that way to see what a differance it is with a plain hook. Or maybe they are fishing in things that plain and simple they shouldnt get cought in!

Offline Rancid Crabtree

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Re: My feelings on Baiting.
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2007, 09:24:05 PM »
Bear hunters bait too. This is never questioned and is widely accepted. The bait ban in the CWD zone has been in place for 6 years. what has it done? Did CWD go away??
Any day in the woods is a good day.

Offline DBerg

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Re: My feelings on Baiting.
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2008, 10:31:19 PM »
Hey I also have a lil bit more info to ad on this baiting deal! Ok is it Cwd as in the brain Dissorder or is it? As Cwd was introduced a phew years Back so was the timber wolf to Norther parts of the State. I have a place in Juneau county by the neceada wild life refuge an have saw a phew wolfs in that area but we cant bait or feed there anymore. Hummm? Makes me wonder would in the dead of winter a backyard feeding person kill more deer than if they hunted because they are pulling the deer into a spot an leting wolfs sit in the background waiting to get into place for a attack or kill maybe over time like how many bites would it take? 2 or three deer get bitten over a phew days and one is sure to go down in heavy snow due to the wound over time well all this baiting thing to me is a lil maybe bit of a smoke screen from the main deal it might just be the fact take a hungry predator or a phew of them for that fact and give them a easy meal like a doe nursing a gun season wound eating corn from a feeding site what do ya think might happen? I guess its all a lil weird Cwd comes around when the wolf is coming back strong and no baiting is a result.

