Author Topic: Minnesota Birding Report, 4.20.07  (Read 2130 times)

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Minnesota Birding Report, 4.20.07
« on: April 20, 2007, 11:41:56 AM »
Minnesota Birding Report, 4.20.07
In general, mid- to late April is an excellent time to view the migration of shorebirds. Look for yellowlegs, willets, dunlins and other sandpipers in the shallow wetlands and on the mudflats throughout the state. And, early songbird migration typically begins the last week of April. Possible sightings include yellow-rumped warbler, ruby-crowned kinglet, and palm warbler.

The following is a list of recent, significant sightings:

On April 15th, the group of seven WHOOPING CRANES was seen again as they flew past DNR employee Judy Welu about three miles southwest of Detroit Lakes, between Fox Lake and Lake Sally in Becker County.

On April 15th, Anne and Allan Bier photographed a EURASIAN TREE SPARROW in their yard in the city of Virginia, in St. Louis County. The bird has not been back, but if it is seen again, this report will be updated.

Paul Budde reports that the GREEN-TAILED TOWHEE was still visiting the feeder in the town of Mountain Lake, in Cottonwood County, on April 14th. To view this bird, begin at State Highway 60, exit onto 3rd Avenue and drive to 10th Street. Turn north on 10th Street and drive to the edge of town to a cemetery and lake on the left. The feeder is in front of the pale green house, which is the second to the last building on the right side of the road.

A large group of AMERICAN AVOCETS was found on April 14th roughly six miles east of Owatonna and just northwest of Rice Lake State Park along Steele County Road 19.

A CAROLINA WREN was at the Kunkel Wildlife Management Area in Mille Lacs County on April 14th. The best location to view this bird is along the western side of the main trail near the small pond.

While there have been recent reports of both Veery and Swainson's Thrush, these would both be exceptionally early records. No details were provided regarding either bird. Other observations recently provided include BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON, SWAINSON'S HAWK, VIRGINIA RAIL, MARBLED GODWIT, BONAPARTE'S GULL, YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKER, HERMIT THRUSH, ORANGE-CROWNED WARBLER, LOUISIANA WATERTHRUSH, and CHESTNUT-COLLARED LONGSPUR.

Information in this statewide birding report is provided by and financially supported by the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union (MOU), Minnesota's oldest and largest bird club. The report is composed from reports submitted by MOU members and other birders throughout the state. You can support this weekly birding update by submitting your bird reports to Anthony Hertzel at or by calling the hotline directly at 763-780-8890 and leaving a detailed message. MOU members receive the organization's quarterly journal "The Loon," and the bi-monthly magazine, "Minnesota Birding." For membership information, send an e-mail message to our membership secretary at .

 "The information in this report is provided courtesy of the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union and Explore Minnesota Tourism."
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