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Ice fishing season begins as northern lakes start to freeze up
« on: December 04, 2007, 01:34:30 PM »
Ice fishing season begins as northern lakes start to freeze up

MADISON – Flag up!

Ice fishing season has started for many northern Wisconsin anglers and is spurring their southern counterparts to ensure their tip-ups are in tip-top condition.

Ice fishing forecasts and weekly reports, ice fishing tips, and information on how ice anglers can prevent spreading a fish disease to new waters can be found on a Ice Fishing in Wisconsin featured page on the DNR Web site.

Hard water fishing is a tradition for some and an obsession for others in a state with 1.4 million licensed anglers. About 11.4 percent of Wisconsinites 16 and older -- an estimated 474,000 people -- gladly trade their comfortable recliners for an overturned bucket or the relative luxury of an ice shanty, eagerly awaiting that ever-so-slight bob of the rod tip or the thrill of seeing a red tip-up flag fly.

“There's something really special about watching a tip-up flag go up and the anticipation of what's on the line as you walk up to tend the flag -- especially when you see the spindle of the tip-up doing a slow, steady turn, which is a sure sign of a BIG walleye,” says Skip Sommerfeldt, a DNR fisheries biologist who fished 79 out of a possible 91 days last winter.

“And then there's the sight of an 8-pound walleye being slid out of a 8-inch ice hole -- you wonder how it made it through and it becomes an image that's burned into your mind for the rest of your life.”

Sommerfeldt fished only Butternut Lake last year, mainly for walleye, and always with tip-ups, in part, because it’s more entertaining for his three daughters, frequent fishing companions. “The winter of 2006-07 was my best ice fishing season on Butternut Lake in ten years,” he says. “I had good consistent action throughout the winter, caught good numbers of walleye, and the average size was up about 2 inches from the previous bunch of years.”

Sommerfeldt’s detailed diary from last winter are available on the featured Web page.

Statewide, fewer fish are caught during the winter than other times, but more of those fish are kept, according to results from a 2000-2001 mail survey of Wisconsin license holders, the latest figures available. Across the entire year, anglers caught 69,445,957 fish and kept 31,303,049 of them. While only 18 percent of the total catch came during winter months, those months accounted for 23 percent of the total harvest.

Northern pike, bluegills and yellow perch are the best bets for winter fishing, based on the proportion of the total annual catch hauled in during the winter, according to the survey.

Scot Stewart, DNR’s regional fisheries supervisor for south central Wisconsin and an avid ice angler himself, says there are many good reasons to ice fish beyond it being a good way to enjoy the outdoors in winter and the social aspects of fishing with friends and family.

“Panfish taste better because there is less algae in the winter,” he says. “And I know I can really target large pike. Winter pike are a lot prettier and heavier.”

Jeff Roth, a fisheries biologist in Mercer who’s already been out ice fishing, enjoys the solitude the pasttime offers. “You can always find a place to get away from the crowds and enjoy the quietness of winter. A few fresh walleyes are the icing-on-the-cake.”

FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Mike Staggs (608) 267-0796; or your local fish biologist.

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Make sure ice is safe before venturing out fishing

SPOONER, Wis. – As ice thickens on Wisconsin waterways, anglers are preparing to venture out and take part in one of Wisconsin’s most participated winter activities – ice fishing. Knowing when it is safe to venture out onto the ice, how to travel on ice, and what to do should the ice break are as important as the rudiments of fishing itself.

“Most law enforcement personnel will tell you that because it can be tricky, there is no such thing as safe ice,” says DNR Law Enforcement Safety Specialist Chris Wunrow, “and although a lake or river is frozen that does not mean it can be safely traveled.”

Wunrow offers these tips to anglers and others who plan to venture onto the ice this winter:

    * Clear, solid ice at least two inches thick is usually sufficient to hold a single person walking on foot. For safety’s sake, wait until the ice is at least three inches thick and go with a friend. Keep at least 50 feet of distance between each other. Ice fishing with several friends and gear requires at least 4 inches of ice, and snowmobiles and ATVs require a minimum of 5 inches.
    * Ice will generally be thicker near shore and get thinner the farther one ventures out. Check ice thickness with an ice spud or auger starting from a few feet from shore and every 10 to 20 feet as one goes towards the middle of the waterway.
    * Lake ice is generally stronger than river ice. Springs, lake inlets and outlets, and channels can alter ice thickness.
    * Before heading out onto early or newly formed ice, check with a local bait shop, resort owner, or outdoors store regarding ice thickness or known thin spots.
    * Whether alone or with a friend on early ice, always carry a couple of large sharpened nails and a length of rope in an easily accessible pocket. The nails or commercially bought ice grabbers can help a person pull themselves out of the water an on to more solid ice. The rope can be thrown to another person for rescue.
    * If you are alone and go through the ice, take a few seconds to get over the “cold shock.” Regain your breathing, kick hard and try to swim up onto the ice. If successful, crawl on your hands and knees or roll to more solid ice. Get to the nearest warm place quickly. If your attempts to swim onto the ice area unsuccessful, get as much of your body out of the water and yell for help. Studies show you will have about 30 minutes or more before the body is incapacitated by hypothermia.
    * Proper clothing can increase chances of survival should a person break through the ice. A snowmobile type suit if it is zipped can and will trap air and slow the body’s heat loss. Once filled with water, however, insulated suits become heavy and will hinder rescue. Newer model snowmobile suits have flotation material built in and anyone traversing ice should consider purchasing one of these suits. On early ice it is advised to wear a personal flotation device.
    * Refrain from driving on ice whenever possible. Traveling in a vehicle -- especially early or late in the season -- is an accident waiting to happen.
    * When driving on ice, be prepared to leave the vehicle in a hurry. Unbuckle the seatbelt and have a simple plan of action in case of ice break through. Anglers may want to leave a window open for an easy exit.
    * Often vehicles will establish roads from shore to the current fishing hotspots. Repeated vehicle use may cause the ice to weaken. The ice roads may not always be the safest routes.
    * When using a gas or liquid heater to warm an ice shack or tent make sure it is properly ventilated with at least two openings, one at the top and one at the bottom of the structure. Any flame eats oxygen so proper ventilation is required.

DNR conservation wardens and fisheries staff are also alerting anglers and other outdoor enthusiasts that a number of lakes in northern Wisconsin will have aeration systems operating this winter. The aeration systems are operated by governmental units or lake groups and cause areas of the lakes to remain ice-free. The systems bubble oxygenated air into the water helping to prevent fish die offs known as winterkill. Lakes with aeration systems will have notices of the systems posted at public accesses.

Snowmobilers, anglers, and other lake users should use extra caution on these lakes because of open water. The open water areas should be surrounded by a fence consisting of uprights connected by a rope with reflective tape or reflectors.

DNR wants people to be safe in Wisconsin’s outdoors, Wunrow notes.

“Common sense is the greatest ally in preventing ice related accidents,” he says, “and that includes checking ice conditions and preparing oneself before venturing out.” Five minutes of checking ice from shore, and systematic checks while going out on the ice, he notes, can make the difference between an enjoyable winter experience and a tragedy.

FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Chris Wunrow (715) 635-4112
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