Author Topic: SCTP National Youth Trap Shooting Competition  (Read 3223 times)

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SCTP National Youth Trap Shooting Competition
« on: July 28, 2009, 08:04:16 PM »
Well, the results are in!
After competing in a 20-30mph driving wind the first day, all the teams got their composure back and really shot some targets!

This was by far the most exciting national event we have ever attended, thank you to Dr. Bill Christie and Karen Peterson (and others) for an outstanding job on this tournament. WOW!!!

The Burlington High School Demons Trap Shooting Team had some success as well....

The Varsity "A" squad of Marty Rubach, Adam Tuinstra, Taylor Kojis, Jon Ebbers, Brian Sommers took 3rd place in the nation amongst High School registered teams.....(10th place overall)!
While the Varsity "B" squad of Peter DeRosier, Kole Albrecht, Taylor Ebbers, Jessie Lewin, Hunter Wondrash took 49th out of a 72 squad field.

The JV squad of Ethan Kerr, Mathew Henningfield, Josh Criscimagna, Jordan Hintz, Billy Ebbers took 5th place....only a few targets out of the top honors!

Our Intermediate Advanced took 22nd place. (Alex Peterson, Anna Sommers, Jacob DeRosier, Lacy Stickrod & Brent DeBruine)

The big shocker of the tournament.....Our Intermediate Entry squad "A", made up of Dillon Robers, Gunnar Knight, Cody Schilz, Jacob Thorn & Christian Jensen took 2ND PLACE!!!!!!
They were tied after the first day with a team from Kentucky, taking 2nd by only 6 targets!!!

And our Intermediate Entry "B" squad took 5th place....Ali Knight, Mariah Kerr, Kaitlyn Gaethke, Cody Jensen and Jack Roury.

In other competitions.....

The last shooter standing saw a 200+ people field in a giant "Annie Oakley" type event......Wisconsin had about 11 kids of the last 18 (8 from Burlington)!!

Jon Ebbers took 2nd after a grueling shootoff!!!!!!!

Hunter Wondrash was 1 target away from winning the Remington Shootout's top prize of a brand new 1100 Competition Trap Shotgun!!

This competition, from the opening "Olympic Type" ceremony to the awards ceremony, was a first class set up!!!
They had so many competitions for the kids to partake in, they couldn't do everything they wanted! The vendors did a great job once again in taking care of the youth with lower prices and very nice prizes.

This was a National Shoot set up for the kids the way it should be done "FOR THE KIDS", and I cant say enough of how well of a job they did!!!

All the results are posted on the SSSF's official website at

Thank You SSSF!
You get an A+ on this one!!!!!!!!!


Tom Wondrash
Head Coach B.H.S. Demons Trap Team, Burlington Wisconsin
SCTP State Advisor
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