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Complete WDNR Outdoor Report 6.28.17

The wet weather has continued into our first astronomical week of summer, with rain falling in some or all of the state every day in the last week. This has continued to keep rivers high and many trails wet and muddy. The lower Wisconsin River continues to flow at more than twice its normal flow and very few if any sandbars are available. The Oconto, Peshtigo, and Menominee rivers are all at or above flood stage. One exception is the Bois Brule, which has returned to normal flow and is getting heavy use by paddlers.

Despite high water levels anglers have been fishing the Flambeau River with some success for musky, walleye and bass. Crappie, bluegills and perch are being caught on northern lakes. A few walleye are being caught around the mouth area of the Peshtigo River and anglers at the mouth of the Oconto River were having success catching catfish, smallmouth, and sheepshead. Trout streams were just getting fishable again but levels are up again and running turbid with a lot of debris making it very tough to fish.

Anglers that got out southern Green Bay in between storms found some success trolling crank baits for walleyes along with a big increase in freshwater drum and catfish being caught. The weather conditions made the smallmouth bite throughout Door County much more inconsistent than past weeks. Some bass are still on beds while others are post spawn. Perch fishing is starting to pick up a bit in the bay side harbors of Door County.

Salmon fishing out on Lake Michigan also suffered some this week thanks in part to the abundance of almost-daily nasty weather. The most frequent catch of the week was steelhead, with a few coho and chinook mixed in. In Milwaukee a thick cloud of alewives were stacked up on the lake side of McKinley Pier and the catch rate on the pier increased as the trout and salmon followed the baitfish closer to shore, with limits of trout and salmon landed.

Early-nesting species are fledging young now, including killdeer, American robins, eastern bluebirds, eastern phoebes, wood ducks, starlings, ruffed grouse, wild turkeys, and more. This is a great year for dickcissels, a sparrow-like bird of grasslands. Though common in the plains south and west of Wisconsin each year, their numbers vary here annually.

New wobbly elk calves and deer fawns are out and are now following their mothers all the time. A large bull elk has been seen feeding off a road in the Flambeau River State Forest with his antlers in full velvet.

In the north, the forest floor is bursting swamp dewberries, bunchberry, twin flower, buttercups, blue flag iris, false Solomon's seal, Canada mayflower, oxeye daisies, yellow and orange hawkweed are in varying stages of bloom, and blueberries are ripe or soon to ripen. Pink lady slippers are blooming in Door County.

There is a New Moon on Friday so it should be a great weekend for astronomy programs being held this weekend at Kettle Moraine south, Governor Dodge, Wildcat and Devil's Lake state parks. There will also be music performances Saturday at Rib Mountain State Park and at Mirror Lake State Park. Shakespeare in the Park performances and workshops continue this weekend at Havenwoods State Forest Friday and at Devil's Lake State Park on Saturday. For a complete listing of events search the DNR website for "Get Outdoors."

Statewide Birding Report

In the bird world, and now the calendar as well, summer is firmly here. Many birds are in the heart of their nesting season -- males singing vigorously to announce their territories while females take up the bulk of duty incubating eggs. By late June many of these nests host tiny, fast-growing young, meaning adults can often be seen carrying food in their beaks and chipping with agitation when potential threats, like us, get too close. Our earliest-nesting species are even fledging young now, including killdeer, American robins, eastern bluebirds, eastern phoebes, wood ducks, starlings, ruffed grouse, wild turkeys, and more. The nesting season is a critical time for many birds, especially our rarer species, which makes stories like these on the peregrine falcon and whooping crane (exit DNR) all the more pleasing.
Dickcissels invade the state
Dickcissels are being seen in good numbers across the state.
Dickcissels are being seen in good numbers across the state.
Photo Credit: Ryan Brady
Making the biggest splash this month, however, is a sparrow-like bird of grasslands known as the dickcissel. Though common in the plains south and west of Wisconsin each year, their numbers vary here annually, perhaps related to poor, drought-induced habitat conditions in their typical core range. Well, this year is a great one for dickcissels in Wisconsin -- the best since 2012 -- so perhaps visit your favorite patch of grassland, pasture, or weedy field to look and listen for this showy species.
Feeders slow? Don't despair
A final note on breeding season -- you may have noticed your feeders haven't been getting much action of late. That's pretty typical for this time of year. Natural food sources are plentiful, adult birds are busy feeding young, and nestlings generally require insects not seeds, all leading to less feeder use. That should change some come July, however, as families of grosbeaks, buntings, finches, chickadees, woodpeckers, orioles, and other species resume their feeder visits, often with youngsters in tow. And don't forget to offer a shallow water source, which often attracts more species this time of year than feeders do.
Rarities and reporting
The week's best find was no doubt a buff-bellied hummingbird seen briefly and photographed in Ozaukee county, marking a first state record of this species that typically nests from south Texas into Mexico. You never know what you might find this time of year so be sure to report all of your sightings to Wisconsin eBird at Good birding! - Ryan Brady, Bureau of Wildlife Management research scientist, Ashland

Upcoming events at Wisconsin recreational properties
Friday, June 23 25, 2017
Friday, June 23

Havenwoods State Forest - Playing with Shakespeare: Get Outside with Will Children's Workshop; Shakespeare in the Park: "The Comedy of Errors"
Hartman Creek State Park - Invasion of the Invasives!
Interstate State Park - Bats - An often misunderstood Creature of the Night
Saturday, June 24
Horicon Marsh Visitor and Education Center - Guided Horicon Marsh Paddle
Kohler Andrae State Park - Alien Invaders Hike
Richard Bong State Recreation Area - Champion Tree Tour
Whitefish Dunes State Park - A walk in the Dunes
Richard Bong State Recreation Area - American Radio Relay League Field Day
Newport State Park - Orchids of Door County; a Special Presentation by Charlotte Lukes
Devil's Lake State Park - Playing with Shakespeare: Get Outside with Will Children's Workshop; Shakespeare in the Park: "The Comedy of Errors"
High Cliff State Park - Solo Camping and Travel
Rib Mountain State Park - Concert in the Clouds - The Lost Forty
Kohler Andrae State Park - Singing in the Park with Kathy Paulson
Harrington Beach State Park - Geocaching for Beginners
Kettle Moraine State Forest - Northern Unit - Twilight Paddle
Mirror Lake State Park - Music in the Park with Late 4 Dinner
Governor Dodge State Park - Saturn - Coming to a Park Near You!
Kettle Moraine State Forest - Southern Unit - Universe in the Park
Wildcat Mountain State Park - Universe in the Park
Sunday, June 25
Aztalan State Park - Aztalan Guided Tour
Blue Mound State Park - Playing with Shakespeare: Get Outside with Will Children's Workshop; Shakespeare in the Park: "The Comedy of Errors"
For all events search the DNR website for "Get Outdoors."
Find a park, forest trail or recreation property

Upcoming State Natural Area Workday

Bluff Creek SNA: July 9, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Come help volunteers during our second Saturday workdays. We'll divide into teams to cut or remove white sweet clover and wild parsnip. This work is done annually because white sweet clover and wild parsnip can displace the native plants living in the wet prairie. No skills needed you will be trained onsite.
Check the State Natural Areas Volunteer Program page of the DNR website for details. - Jared Urban, conservation biologist, Dane. - Jared Urban, conservation biologist, Dane

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Northern Region

Superior DNR Service Center area
Brule River State Forest - Tuesday was the first official day of summer. The weather this week has been mild and pleasant with highs in the 70s and nighttime temperatures in the 40s and 50s. The coming week looks like it may be on the cool side with highs only reaching the 60s for a few days. Clouds and a small amount of rain are in the forecast as well. All in all, a pleasant reprieve for visitors coming from areas of stifling hot weather. As of this morning, the river was running at 162 cfs, which is right on average for this time of year. There have been reports from anglers that they have been having some success catching fish. It's always a good day when you can spend some time on the river, regardless of whether the fish are biting or not! Lots of canoers and kayakers are also enjoying the mild weather out on the water. About half of our campsites are reservable (but you have to reserve at least 48 hours in advance), the rest are available on a first-come-first-served basis. The campgrounds have been busy, especially on the weekends. The Fourth of July is just around the corner, and the reservable campsites for the weekend of July 1-2 are pretty much booked up already. But if you get here early, chances are you'll be able to nab one of those first-come-first-served sites. Reservations for July 3-4 are still available. On the morning of Monday, June 26, planes will be applying an organic, biodegradable gypsy moth mating disruption product to areas near the Brule River State Forest. The product is aerially applied and dispersed across the forest canopy as small waxy droplets, which slowly release the synthetic gypsy moth mating pheromone. Female gypsy moths do not fly, but give off a pheromone, or a chemical scent, which attracts male gypsy moths. The product applied to the tree canopy emits the same scent. These treatments are highly effective at reducing the mating success of this insect. Treatments are necessary to control the spread of gypsy moth, a destructive and invasive pest that feeds on the foliage of oak, aspen, crabapple, birch, and hundreds of other species of trees and shrubs. More information is available at - Diane Gobin, visitor services associate
Spooner DNR Service Center area
Burnett County - Fishing in the Burnett County area has been very good for most species as of lately. With the fairly constant rain events we have been having it has kept the ATV trails in good shape with low dust conditions. Bird watching is good right now as well with goose, duck, and swan hatches very visible. - Dustin Gabrielson, conservation warden, Webster
Crex Meadows State Wildlife - There have been some sightings of rare or unusual birds, including a northern mockingbird, dickcissels, white-rumped sandpipers, a red-shouldered hawk and a blue-gray gnatcatcher. There are many golden-winged warblers in the area. The red-necked grebes seem to be re-nesting on Phantom Lake. Be sure to watch out for the many young that are around, including swan cygnets, crane colts, hooded merganser chicks, loon chicks, and more. There have also been many species of butterfly sighted within the last week, including: monarch, Karner blue, eastern-tailed blue, American copper, silvery checkerspot, northern crescent, little wood satyr, common ringlet, common buckeye, painted lady, white admiral, viceroy, red admiral, orange sulphur, pink-edged sulphur, cabbage white, silver bordered fritillary, Hobomok skipper, long dash, dusted skipper, dreamy duskywing, northern cloudywing, black swallowtail, - Lauren Finch, wildlife educator
Park Falls DNR Service Center area
Flambeau River State Forest - Anglers have been fishing the Flambeau River in hopes of catching musky, walleye and bass, with some success. The water levels are very high due to large amounts of precipitation that we have received. Due to large amounts of rainfall be sure to call ahead if planning to use the Tuscobia (Cameron Bump, (715-839-2786) or the Dead Horse Run (US Forest Service, Park Falls) ATV/UTV trails. Blooming plants are everywhere. Especially the yellow and white blossoms. Cherry trees, highbush cranberries, the white blossomed dogwoods, basswoods with their bell shaped flowers and soothing fragrance, the forest floor is bursting with newness. Strawberries, swamp dewberries, American fly honeysuckle, and blueberries are ripe or soon to be ripe. Don't eat the American fly honeysuckle though, they are poisonous. Song birds are defending their territories where some of the females are still sitting on their nests or renesting. The roads are full of snapping turtles and painted turtles crossing to lay their eggs. Horse flies and mosquitoes are out so be prepared. The dragonflies are filling up on those pesky mosquitoes. New wobbly elk calves and deer fawns are out and about following their mothers. The biggest bull elk in the area was seen feeding off the side of the road in the southeast part of the Forest. His antlers are so majestic and still in velvet. He is drawing lots of attention. A bear and her three cubs were seen suckling by the wildlife biologist. There is a New Moon on Friday. The weather forecast for the weekend calls for Friday to be mostly sunny with a chance of showers after 2 p.m. with a high of 69 and a low of 49. Saturday, there is a chance of showers and thunderstorms after 2 p.m. with a high of 65 and low of 47, and Sunday, again has a chance of showers and t-storms with a high of 66 and low of 46. - Diane Stowell, forestry technician advanced and visitor services associate
Woodruff DNR Service Center area
Northern Highland-American Legion State Forest - The summer green explosion is in full force in the forest. Everything is lush and green and has caught up with the rest of the state. Bunchberry, twin flower, buttercups, blue flag iris, false Solomon's seal, Canada mayflower, oxeye daisies, yellow and orange hawkweed are in varying stages of bloom. The showy white blossoms of blackberry are gracing the roadsides. Highbush cranberry, mountain maple and pagoda dogwood are in bloom. Yellow and white water lilies are poking their heads above water here and there. Lupine are just about done blooming. The wild strawberries that bloomed the earliest are starting to show ripened berries with some plants still blooming! Slow down and enjoy the bloom and watch for road crossing turtles and baby animals! Campers can be serenated by the lovely song of the hermit thrush as they enjoy the evening by the fire. Hopefully the hum of mosquitos won't drown the song out! - Rosalie Richter, visitor services associate

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Northeast Region

Northern Lake Michigan fisheries team report
This report is for the period of June 11-17. Rain and high winds kept fishing pressure low this past week. The Oconto, Peshtigo, and Menominee Rivers are all at or above flood stage. Rivers are running brown with a good deal of debris being carried down to their mouths and out into the Bay of Green Bay.
Marinette County - A few walleye are being caught around the mouth area of the Peshtigo River using jigs and live bait or plastics. Early in the week walleye and small mouth were being caught on the Menominee River trolling and casting to structure and current seams. Since then the river has become high and dirty with heavy current. - Kevin King, fisheries technician, Peshtigo
Oconto County - A few panfish and smallmouth are being caught below the dam at Stiles on the Oconto River using live bait, small spoons and plastics. The most productive place to fish has been the mouth of the Oconto River at Break water Park where anglers are having success catching catfish, smallmouth, and sheepshead using stick baits and live bait, (crawlers). A few small panfish were being caught by shore anglers at Oconto Park II using live bait. - Kevin King, fisheries technician, Peshtigo
There has been an inconsistent catch of walleye over the past week at Geano Beach. Most groups were only catching a few fish and keeping Anglers also caught freshwater drum and northern pike while out for walleye. - Adam Garlie, fisheries technician
Brown County - Off Bayshore Park, the weather once again played a huge roll in fishing this week which kept many anglers at home instead of on the water. Anglers that got out in between storms found some success trolling crankbaits for walleyes, generally in water depths around 9-14 feet. Along with walleyes anglers noticed a big increase in freshwater drum and catfish being caught with the water temperatures reaching into the 70s. A few perch anglers were interviewed with no success thus far in the early perch season. - Derek Apps, fisheries technician, Green Bay
Modest weather over the past week brought a decent group of anglers to fish out of the metro launch. Most boats were targeting walleye with slim success catching between 1-4 fish. Out of those fish caught only a couple made it to the cooler. A few boats took advantage of the increased catch in catfish and took a few of those home instead. There were a few crappie anglers fishing from shore over the past week but none of them landed any crappie. Anglers found themselves catching white bass, freshwater drum, and catfish. Most people at Voyager Park were out to have a good time and weren't fishing for anything specific over the past week. They found themselves hooking into a lot of white bass, freshwater drum, common carp, round goby, and catfish. Anglers off the Suamico launch targeted walleye over the past week with continued inconsistent success. Few boats were catching over 10 fish for half a days worth of fishing but most were bringing in between 1-5 fish. Anglers also caught northern pike, freshwater drum and white bass. - Adam Garlie, fisheries technician
Door County - In northern Door County, the recent weather conditions have made the smallmouth bite throughout Door County much more inconsistent than past weeks. Water temps vary from 60-70 degrees depending on where you are and which way the wind is blowing. The water in most places has become more turbid making it hard to spot bass in shallow water. Some bass are still on beds while others are post spawn. Despite these conditions some anglers have still found success. Rowleys Bay has remained a consistent producer of smallies. Bass action should heat up again if the weather gives us a break and conditions become more stable. Perch fishing is starting to pick up a bit in the bay side harbors of Door County. Minnows and crawlers have been working but the most important thing is to have your line in the water when the schools come in to feed. Being in the right place at the right time has been the key. No word on walleye action or salmon/trout action on lake side.
Off Stugeon Bay, Anglers in boats on the bay-side had a rough go this week around the Sturgeon Bay area. Strong winds and storms made it tough for anglers to get a good day in on the water, and the catches of smallmouth were reflective of that. Some anglers did manage to catch some in more sheltered areas, but not with much consistency in patterns or lures. Anglers are reporting smallmouth beginning to come off beds and follow more post-spawn patterns with the warmer weather. Some boat anglers did have success fishing for rock bass, casting toward shore with nightcrawlers.
Shore anglers in the area had some of the best success of all anglers interviewed in Sturgeon Bay over the past week. Anglers at both Sunset Park and Stone Quarry Landing caught perch, rock bass, and smallmouth from shore. Most of the fish were caught with a bobber and live bait. The best bait for perch was a small minnow, but some were caught on nightcrawlers as well. Smallmouth and rock bass were caught primarily on nightcrawlers. Anglers fishing with artificial lures did not have as much success as those fishing with live bait. Anglers who launched at Sawyer Park and headed to Lake Michigan did have some success over the weekend. Almost all anglers interviewed came in with at least one fish, and some came in with good numbers. Only steelhead and chinooks were brought in, and those anglers indicated that most of the fish, including the steelhead, were caught in deeper water on flasher/fly combos down 50+ feet in green or blue colors. - Jacob Steckmesser, fisheries technician
At Little Sturgeon Bay, bass anglers found fishing to be tough at times but most anglers still managed to catch fish every trip. Most of the smallmouth bass are done spawning and are holding in deeper water looking for bait but males can be seen still guarding nesting in the shallow water. Bait presentations that worked the best were drop shots and crankbaits. Walleye anglers found little to no success during the daylight hours with the best bite being reported after dark. Perch anglers have started to put in some more hours with success varying between high numbers of small fish or low numbers of bigger fish. Live bait was the best for perch anglers. Muskie anglers had a difficult week with no muskies reported being caught. Smallmouth bass in Sawyer Harbor are much of the same as in Little Sturgeon Bay with most fish in the post-spawn pattern. Perch anglers found success just out from Sawyer Harbor as it drops off to 12 feet. Anglers reported catching upwards of 60 fish with a few anglers just missing their limit of 15 fish. Live bait under a float seemed to be the best technique for catching the perch. Other fish caught were freshwater drum and rock bass. - Derek Apps, fisheries technician, Green Bay
Kewaunee County - Salmon fishing in Kewaunee and Algoma suffered some this week thanks in part to the abundance of almost-daily nasty weather. The most frequent catch of the week was steelhead, with a few cohos and chinooks mixed in. Anglers have been targeting mostly the same depths as the last couple weeks, about 80-200 feet of water, but some have tried deeper yet, with no depth bringing reports of more fish. Anglers are still reporting catching steelhead on high lines with spoons, and some have also reported them deeper, down 50-100 feet on flasher/fly combos (set up more-so for chinooks). The few cohos reported have come on red/orange dodgers with peanut flies, still mostly in the top 50 feet. Anglers have reported catching chinooks more on flasher/fly combos again this week, with green/white colors down 50-100 feet being the most productive.- Jacob Steckmesser, fisheries technician, Sturgeon Bay
Manitowoc County - Continuous bad storms and windy weather conditions appear to have affected the fishing pressure of the week of the 11th. Very few interviews were obtained as many boaters were unsure about chancing the rough waters. The few boaters that did take their boats onto the lake only stayed out for a very short trip. Some reported catching one or a couple Coho Salmon. A charter boat in Two Rivers was able to reach their limit on Sunday June 19th, and caught a 28lb King Salmon. Surface water temperatures have dropped a little this week, averaging about 56?F. - Mallary Schenian, fisheries technician, Mishicot
Peshtigo DNR Service Center area
Oconto County - Oconto County ATV trails are still busy with some trails still closed. Please check the Oconto County Tourism website and trail report for updated trail conditions. There are many deer running around and some with fawns. Drive slow at night and be careful. Turtles are crossing roads so be extra cautious. Lots of bugs are out, haven't seen this many bugs out at night in a few years. Panfish are still being caught on multiple lakes, Kelly Lake and a few small lakes around are still a favorite for crappie, bluegills and perch. There have been walleye caught on White Potato Lake. Water levels are also high and be careful, always where a life jacket out on the water. - Paul Hartrick, conservation warden
Sturgeon Bay DNR Service Center area
Potawatomi State Park - All trails are open. Bald eagles, great blue herons, common mergansers and buffleheads have been seen flying over Sawyer Harbor. Many visitors are still spotting wild turkeys mainly by the park entrance. - Jaclyn Moeri, visitor services associate
Whitefish Dunes State Park - A few fawns have been spotted in the park. The bird feeder has been busy with downy, hairy and red-bellied woodpeckers, along with goldfinches and juncos. This week a pair of red-headed woodpeckers have been sighted. Standing on the overlook you can see pelicans on the lake from the observation deck by the office. Wildflowers in bloom are columbine and pink lady slippers. A lot of frog sounds have been heard in the afternoon by visitors hiking the Green Trail. - Jaclyn Moeri, visitor services associate
Wautoma DNR Service Center area
Waupaca County - Been a super wet week in central Wisconsin. Spent all week cleaning up storm damage from previous week. Catfish have been biting decent on the Fox River. Streams were just getting fishable again for trout and is now raining again and will likely be very tough to fish after today's rains. Fawns are now with mom all the time. The first report of turkey brood came in the other day. Biting insects have not been a problem lately, surprising given that we've been so wet. Have not had a tick in two weeks - good! Could really use a dry stretch. - Karl Kramer, wildlife technician, Wautoma

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Southeast Region

Milwaukee DNR Service Center area
Southern Lake Michigan fisheries team report - Compiled from creel clerks by Cheryl Masterson and Jeffrey Zinuticz, fisheries technicians, Milwaukee
Sheboygan County - Fishing pressure was relatively low toward the end of the weekend, most likely due to weather conditions and heavy wind. Anglers were reporting little success off the piers, with most of the catches coming from boats. Off the harbor and the piers in Sheboygan, only two catches of coho salmon were reported off the north pier during the weekend. Most anglers were using alewives fished on the bottom, although the coho were caught using spoons. The surface temperature of the water was 55 degrees, and water on the harbor side was dirty. Most of the reported success came on Saturday, June 17, with boaters mainly catching coho salmon along with a couple chinook salmon, a rainbow trout, and a lake trout. The coho salmon averaged from 3-4 pounds. Fish were caught at depths anywhere from 50-190 feet on spoons, dodger flies, and flasher flies. Only a handful of boaters reported success on Sunday, June 18 due to rough, windy conditions.
Ozaukee County - Fishing pressure was slightly higher on earlier in the weekend, probably due to the windy conditions on June 18. Most of the success was reported from boaters; however, several catches were also reported by anglers off the south pier on Sunday morning. At the Port Washington harbor and piers, several fish were caught Sunday morning, mostly coho salmon with a couple brown trout, with the coho salmon averaging a weight of about 6-7 pounds. Most anglers were using alewives and spoons, although the brown trout were caught with spawn sacs. The surface temperature of the water ranged from 50-60 degrees. At the Port Washington ramp, success was hit or miss, with some having caught several fish while others returned to the ramp with none. Mainly coho salmon were caught this weekend, along with a few chinook salmon and rainbow trout, a couple of brown trout, and one lake trout. The coho salmon averaged about four pounds, although the largest weighed 7.5 pounds. Catches were reportedly made at depths ranging from 80-140 feet on spoons, dodger flies, flasher flies, and dipsy divers.
Milwaukee County - Daytime temperatures were in 80s and 90s at the start of the week with high humidity. The temperature dropped to the 70s by the end of the week after a series of thunderstorms and heavy rain moved through the area. The fishing pressure and catch rate along the shoreline increased as large schools of baitfish moved into shallow water. A thick cloud of alewives were stacked up on the lake side of McKinley Pier on June 15. The catch rate on the pier increased as the trout and salmon followed the baitfish closer to shore. A couple of limits of trout and salmon (coho, kings, rainbows, and browns) were landed. The catch rate on the pier tapered off on the weekend. Large numbers of rock bass, a few bluegills, and a couple of largemouth bass were landed by anglers fishing the Lake Shore State Park lagoons. There were no reports of perch landed on opening day June 16. Boats out of McKinley continue to target coho and kings averaging of 5-6 hours looking for fish this week compared to 2-3 hours last week. The catch rate decreased as well. A large number of boats trolled along the lake side of McKinley Pier where a large number of baitfish were stacked up towards the end of the week. Some of the boats had two fish on at a time. Boats out of Bender landed nice size coho and kings in 40-70 feet of water off the Cudahy Towers by College Avenue. A few perch (up to 13-14 inches long) were landed on the boils in front of the South Milwaukee Water Treatment Plant.
Racine County - Off the ramp, anglers caught some fish this week, but none reported catching a limit. Most anglers caught 7 to 9 fish and most were coho salmon, however, a few king salmon were caught as well. The best fishing was from 50 out to 100 feet and anglers ran their lures from 40 feet down to near the surface. The fish were caught on dodger/fly combos and spoons. Only three perch were reported caught from the shore this week. The angler reported catching the perch on live minnows under a bobber. The water temperature was 52 degrees.
Kenosha County - Anglers from the ramp reported catching coho salmon and a few steelhead this week. Anglers were most successful in 70 out to 120 feet of water. They ran their lures from 30 feet down up to near the surface and reported catching their fish on dodger/fly combos and spoons.
Plymouth DNR Service Center area
Washington County - DNR staff from the Pike Lake, Plymouth and Oshkosh DNR
offices along with many volunteers finished goose banding this week, banding about 450 geese at sites in Sheboygan and Washington counties. On Saturday morning, June 24, wildlife biologist Dianne Robinson will be leading a wildflower walk on Theresa Marsh Wildlife Area. For details, contact Dianne at 262-424-9827. Wildlife viewing opportunities for geese, ducks, sandhill cranes, herons, egrets, black terns, a pair of bald eagles, and other birds has been excellent along Highway 28 through the Theresa Marsh Wildlife area, just west of Highway 41. Anglers have been having some luck catching northern pike, bullheads and pan fish at the Theresa Marsh dam and downstream along the Rock River. - Tom Isaac, wildlife biologist, Hartford
Sturtevant DNR Service Center area
Racine County - Wildlife crews spent Tuesday banding Canada geese in Racine and Kenosha counties. A total of 246 geese were banded and 36 were recaptured in four areas including Burlington, Camp/Center Lake, Rochester, and Sturtevant. The Richard Bong Recreation Area has seen an influx of dickcissel songbirds this year. The dickcissel is not a common grassland songbird at Richard Bong over the years, but there has been a noticeable increase this year. As an Important Bird Area, Richard Bong is also home to many other grassland songbirds' species including Henslow's sparrow, grasshopper sparrow, savanah sparrow, eastern meadow lark, and bobolinks. Grassland areas in the Special Use Zone area and south of the Wolf Lake are good locations to see and hear grassland songbirds. - Marty Johnson, wildlife biologist, Sturtevant

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South Central Region

Lower Wisconsin State Riverway - The water levels on June 21 at the Prairie Du Sac dam was 21,500 CFS. These water levels are high and most of the sandbars are under water. It will be difficult finding camping locations along the Riverway until the water levels recede. Please call 1-800-242-1077 for current river flow at the Prairie Du Sac dam. Please remember that camping is restricted to no more than three days on state owned islands and sandbars. Camping at these locations is restricted to persons and their equipment arrived by watercraft only. A camping permit is not required. Portable toilets are in place at most DNR managed landings along the river and water is turned on at locations where available. All of the trails within the LWSR have been mowed and are in good shape. Mosquitoes have been quite active within the river bottoms and bug spray would be recommended. - Matt Seguin, property manager

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West Central Region

La Crosse DNR Service Center area
Vernon County - There is no need to travel to Australia to view an animal that uses a kangaroo style means of locomotion. Meadow jumping mice use bipedal saltatorial locomotion or ricocheting to propel themselves with their two large hind limbs just like kangaroos and wallabies. When startled, they bound away with 2-3 foot long hops, stopping motionless after a leap or two. Much like any other animal that uses this style of locomotion, meadow jumping mice have long tails for balance, large hind feet for take-off and landing, and enlarged muscles in the hips. These mice are found throughout Wisconsin and prefer moist sites with lush growths of grasses and forbs, including areas such as sedge meadows, swamps, marshes, shrubby fields, woodland edges, and grassy shorelines and streambanks. Meadow jumping mice are mainly nocturnal but may exhibit infrequent daytime activity especially on cloudy days. They feed heavily on grass and weed seeds, berries, beetle and moth larvae, and certain fungi. When traveling roads at night, especially quiet back roads that traverse grassy habitats, keep an eye out for these critters, as they are often observed bounding along the roadway. Their kangaroo-like hopping, long tails, and yellowish sides assist with identification. - Dave Matheys, wildlife biologist, Viroqua
Eau Claire DNR Service Center area
Eau Claire County -Anglers can find diverse fishing opportunities on the Eau Claire River near the Altoona River Prairie development. Since the River Prairie development is just upriver of the confluence, almost any species found in the Chippewa River can be found in the Eau Claire River. Smallmouth bass are the most abundant game fish in this stretch of river - they are hard fighters and a lot of fun to catch. As the water temperature warms, smallmouth bass begin to feed aggressively. They can be caught on a variety of baits, but top-water baits seem to be preferred. Perch and walleye can also be found in this stretch of the Eau Claire River. These species will generally be found in deep pools and can be targeted with live bait. Another species that draws a lot of interest are musky. The Wisconsin DNR stocks musky annually at the Hobbs Boat Landing on the Chippewa River. A good musky fishery has developed in the Chippewa River near Eau Claire and on the lower Eau Claire River. A reminder that illegal possession of lake sturgeon is a crime - lake sturgeons are found in the Chippewa River and Eau Claire River downriver of the Lake Altoona Dam. - Scott Thiede, conservation warden, Eau Claire
Wisconsin Rapids DNR Service Center area
Buckhorn State Park - Mosquitoes have hatched with the rain and humidity/heat. Remember to bring bug spray, screen tents and/or thermocells. The beach is a great place to hang out! We still have openings for a camp host in September. Please call the park office at 608-565-2789 for information if interested. - Heather Wolf, park manager
Roche-A-Cri State Park - We still have an opening for a camp host in August. Please call the Buckhorn park office at 608-565-2789 for information if interested. - Heather Wolf, park manager

June 2-4, Owatonna
Smokin' In Steele
Smokin' in Steele is a Kansas City Sanctioned BBQ Competition and live blues music event featuring professional BBQ competitors, ongoing blues music, children's activities, family bike cruise, 5K Fun Run, hot rod show, Kids' Q Competition, antique tractor display and parade, and lots of great food and beverage vendors -- a smokin' good time! Steele County Fairgrounds. 507-455-1428, 507-279-4015

June 2-4, Pine Island
Pine Island Cheese Festival
This year's Pine Island Cheese Festival features an amazing line-up of festivities including rides at Merriam's Midway, a Grande Parade, Miss Pine Island Coronation, Kids' Day, firemen's water fight, bingo, dick races, painting party, Pine Island sing/talent competition, canoe & kayak races, 5K Run, craft & vendor market, cheese, wine & beer gala, bar wars & live music downtown, and button & wristband drawings! Trailhead Park. 507-356-3378

June 2-4, Luverne
Buffalo Days
Buffalo Days festivities include a vehicle cruise-in, street dance, parade, and historic re-enactments at local cemeteries. And on Saturday, June 3, attend the Arts in the Park event with over 100 fine art & crafts vendors, local & international cuisine, free inflatables, Tae Kwon Do demonstrations, the Buffalo Chip Throwing Contest, and REFIT demonstrations. Most events at the Luverne City Park. 507-283-4061

June 3, Lanesboro
Rhubarb Festival
13th annual Rhubarb Festival includes a wide array of festivities including the Rhubarb Run along the beautiful Root River Trail, special produce and treats at the Lanesboro Farmers Market, free rhubarb games, rhubarb tasting contest, rhubarb fashion show, an educational zoo, a Story Tree, Rhub-Art opportunities, and music by The Rhubarb Sisters, Bandanas, Hubba, and Tom Schramm and the LPs! 507-467-2696

June 9-11, Morton
Lower Sioux Wacipi
The 40th Annual Lower Sioux Wacipi is a celebration of Native American heritage. This event showcases the music, dance and spirituality of the Dakota nation. In addition, enjoy fun runs, flag raising, the Grand Entry, and community meals. Wacipi Grounds. 507-697-6185

June 9-11, Fairmont
Interlaken Heritage Days
This community festival has a multitude of events packed into one weekend! Enjoy live music, the Borderline Cruisers car show, lip sync contest, hypnotist, Grande Parade, Kiddie Parade, street dance, Bouncefest, dick races, free canoe rides, pie & ice cream social, pork chops on a stick, and much more! Gomsrud Park and Heritage Acres. 507-235-8585

June 11-18, Montevideo
Fiesta Days Celebration
Fiesta Days includes a Fly-in & Pancake Breakfast, live music, senior & junior coronations, community picnic, kiddie parade, bean bag tournament, RibFest & Beer Garden, Fireman's Dance, and ?Grande Day Parade! 320-269-5527

Minneapolis-St. Paul Area

June 2-4, Edina
Edina Art Fair
The 51st Annual Edina Art Fair features fine artwork by 280 top artists from Minnesota, the U.S. and Canada, as well as live music by numerous acts, and great food vendors! France Avenue, 50th Street, and Lund's parking lot. 952-922-1524

June 2-4, St. Paul
International Gem & Jewelry Show
The International Gem & Jewelry Show is one of the largest exhibitions of gems, minerals and jewelry in the world. The show features one-of-a-kind jewelry creations, gorgeous wedding bands and engagement rings, exotic gems, beads, exquisite fine jewelry, fashion jewelry, estate collections and much more. This event offers convenience, selection, and value, all in one place. The Progress Center at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds. 301-294-1640

June 3, St. Paul
St. Anthony Park Arts Festival
The 48th Annual St. Anthony Park Arts Festival brings together artists, musicians, art lovers, families and a supportive community. The festival features more than 70 high quality artists, as well as a community area, plant and book sales, art activities, good food and great music. The picturesque library grounds of the charming St. Anthony neighborhood. 612-564-2787

June 3, Minneapolis
AZUL - Wild Night
AZUL’s 6th annual Wild Night Gala is a night of fantastic entertainment, unique auction items, Zoomobile animals, and more. This is the wildest young professionals’ gala in the Twin Cities for a great cause: saving wildlife! Ages 21+. The Mansion at Uptown. 952-431-9200, 952-431-9500

June 3, St. Paul
Minneapolis/St Paul Mini Maker Faire
Maker Faire is a gathering of fascinating, curious people who enjoy learning and who love sharing what they can do. From engineers to artists to scientists to crafters, Maker Faire is a venue for these "makers" to show their hobbies, experiments, projects. It is the Greatest Show (& Tell) on Earth, a family-friendly showcase of invention, creativity, and resourcefulness. Minnesota State Fairgrounds Grandstand. 612-824-4394

June 4, St. Paul
Grand Old Day
Take part is Saint Paul's first rite of summer, Grand Old Day, featuring 30 blocks of fun! Highlights include more than 20 music acts on 7 stages, a giant parade, Family Fun District, Minnesota-Made "It's Local" District, Sports & Wellness District, lots of food and beverage vendors, and variety of games and activities. St. Paul's Grand Avenue from Dale Avenue to Wheeler Avenue. 651-699-0029

June 9, Prior Lake
Tony Bennett
Tony Bennett is a musician who touches the hearts and souls of audiences with his legendary vocals and charming stage presence. His long list of achievements, spanning over 60 years, includes 19 Grammy Awards, including the prestigious Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award, making this artist a true international treasure. See him live on the Mystic Showroom! 952-496-6563

June 9-10, Chanhassen
Almost Paradise - 1984 Prom Night
Journey back to your '80s prom night during the time of big permed hair, loud fashion, giant bows, skinny ties, boom boxes, cassette tapes, roller skates and big puffy prom dresses! Wear your '80s prom fashion if you'd like and be part of the radical party as the band, made up of some of your “classmates,” play your favorite hits from '82-'84! Chanhassen Dinner Theatre. 952-934-1525

June 9-10, Winsted
Winstock Country Music & Camping Festival
The 24th Winstock Country Music Festival will feature Keith Urban, Little Big Town, Brantley Gilbert, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Locash, Tucker Beathard, Drake White & the Big Fire, Lindsey Ell, Ryan Hurd, Runaway June and Brooke Eden. Winstock festival grounds. 320-485-4287

June 10, Minneapolis
Northern Spark
Join tens of thousands of people and explore the city's great cultural institutions, play in temporary street installations, and enjoy experimental performances in green spaces and under bridges. Venues throughout Minneapolis. 888-676-6757

June 16-18, Minneapolis
Stone Arch Bridge Festival
Enjoy a full weekend of art and music on the Minneapolis Riverfront with more than 200 artists, concerts on three stages, the Art of the Car Show, the Stone Arch Beer Sampler, and Family Activities Stage. 952-473-6422

Upcoming Twin Cities' concerts and performances:
Diana Krall at the Historic State Theatre in Minneapolis, June 2
Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers with special guest Joe Walsh at the Xcel Energy Center in St. Paul, June 3
Rent (Touring) at the Historic Orpheum Theatre in Minneapolis, June 6-11
Willie Nelson, the Charlie Daniels Band, Bruce Hornsby, & the Noisema at Treasure Island Resort & Casino in Welch, June 9
Jamm Dance Company Present Jamm Nation at the Ames Center, June 9-10
Wayne Brady at Mystic Lake Casino Hotel in Prior Lake, June 10
Motown - The Musical at the Historic Orpheum Theatre, June 11-16
Celtic Woman at the Historic Orpheum Theatre, June 13
The Total Package Tour: NKOTB with Paula Abdul & Boyz II Men at the Xcel Energy Center, June 14
Seth Meyers at the Historic State Theatre, June 16
Demetri Martin: Let's Get Awkward Tour at the Historic State Theatre, June 17
Seu Jorge Presents The Life Aquatic: A Tribute To David Bowie at the Pantages Theatre in Minneapolis, June 17
Don Henley at the Xcel Energy Center, June 18
Bethel Music - A Night of Worship at the Roy Wilkins Auditorium at St. Paul RiverCentre, June 19
Adam Sandler: Here Comes the Funny Tour at Treasure Island Resort & Casino, June 21
Lionel Richie at Mystic Lake Casino Hotel, June 22
Tig Notaro with special guest Fortune Feimster at the Historic State Theatre, June 22
John Rogan - Strange Times 2017 Tour at the Historic State Theatre, June 23
Led Zeppelin 2 at Mystic Lake Casino Hotel, June 25
King Crimson at the Historic State Theatre, June 26
The Moody Blues: Days of Future Passed 50th Anniversary Tour at the Historic Orpheum Theatre, June 27
Dancing with the Stars: Live! at the Historic State Theatre, June 30
Journey at Treasure Island Resort & Casino, July 1
Ed Sheeran at the Xcel Energy Center, July 1
Tickets available through Eventful or Ticketmaster.

Central Minnesota

June 2 & 3, Hutchinson
Dairy Day Celebration & The Zeppelin Experience with Run Like Hell - Pink Floyd Tribute
Dairy Day Festivities at Library Square Park on Friday include a $5 lunch, cheese samples, cow milking contest, live music, tractor displays, children's activities, and more! And on Saturday, enjoy an evening performance of The Zeppelin Experience with Run Like Hell - Pink Floyd Tribute at the Hutchinson Fairgrounds. 320-587-5252

June 2-4, Richmond
Minnesota Homegrown Kickoff
This three day outdoor music and camping festival features stage shows by twenty regional bluegrass, old-time, and related acoustic music groups. Also enjoy workshops, food vendors, jam sessions, and a campground with horseback riding, boat rental, fishing, and a swimming beach. El Rancho Manana Campground. 800-635-3037

June 3, Little Falls
Families on the WW1 Home Front Tour
When the United States entered World War I, its citizens were called to do their patriotic duty and support the war effort. Costumed interpreters portraying the Lindbergh family and neighbors will provide insights into the daily lives of Minnesotans at home during the war. Hear inside stories about farming for the war effort, assist a Red Cross volunteer and learn about the ways Minnesota life changed during the war. Charles A. Lindbergh Historic Home. 320-616-5421

June 9-10, Nisswa
Nisswa-Stamman Scandinavian Folk Music Festival
Enjoy a celebration of Scandinavian and Scandinavian/American folk music in the northwoods. Performers travel from all over the world to come and play at this festival. In addition to performances by 150 folk musicians from throughout America and Scandinavia performing on 3 stages, there will be workshops, day-long dancing opportunities on two dance floors, dance instruction, a cultural children's activity tent, and great Scandinavian food, all under the shade of the majestic Norway pines. Nisswa Pioneer Village. 218-764-2994, 800-950-9610

June 9-11, Onamia
Onamia Days
Highlights of Onamia Days - A Walk Through History include Family Fun Show Carnival games and rides, Grande Parade, Classic Car Show, Demo Derby, Arts & Crafts Fair, street dances, Kiddie Parade, coin hunt, turtle races, medallion hunt, games, sidewalk sales, and much more. 320-532-3202

June 10-11, Milaca
Artisan Festival
Enjoy a festival celebrating artists, crafters and musicians with live music, awesome BBQ, artist demonstrations, and handcrafted items by blacksmiths, jewelers, glassblowers, flintknappers, woodworkers, and more. Hairy Mosquito Trading Company. 320-983-5240

June 10-18, Hutchinson
Hutchinson Jaycee Water Carnival
Started in 1942, the Hutchinson Water Carnival has evolved into a multi-event celebration. Enjoy fireworks, live music performances, a medallion hunt, Run by the River, performance by the Little Crow Ski Team, Miss Hutchinson Pageant, Grande Day Parade, Kiddie Parade, Painting in the Park, Kids' Fun Day, Queen's Dance, and much more! 320-587-5252

June 14-18, Perham
Perham Turtle Fest
Turtle Fest, Perham's large summer celebration, includes a parade, rodeo, turtle races, magic and fun shows, vendors, train rides, inflatable games, hog roast, live music, children's activities, and much more! Downtown Perham and fairgrounds. 218-346-7710

Northwest Minnesota

April 26 - June 17, East Grand Forks
Hope and Freedom: Mending the Soul by Christine Foster
Christine's artwork tells the stories of abuse survivors who have not only survived but have experienced hope and freedom. Riverwalk Centre. 218-399-0162

June 2-4, Fargo/Moorhead
Fargo-Moorhead Crossroads Contest Powwow
Enjoy performances by the nation's finest Native American dancers and singers competing at the 2nd Annual International Powwow. Designed to promote cultural awareness and expose the public to contest powwow, this is an opportunity to see and hear the different songs and styles of dance of the area's many tribes. Scheels Arena. 701-356-7656

June 3-10, Hawley
Hawley Rodeo Fest
Enjoy an entire week of events starting on June 3 with Breakfast on the Farm at Kasin Farms. Other festivities include Country Cowboy Church Service, horse show, pageants, team roping, health fair, and John Deere Day of Play. On Saturday, June 10, enjoy a full day of activities such as a 5K Walk/Run, vendor market & street fair, water wars, community picnic, bounce houses, pie & ice cream social, and kiddie & grand parades. PRCA Barnes Rodeo performances will be offered Friday and Saturday, June 9 & 10. Most events at the rodeo grounds. 218-483-3331

June 9, Mahnomen
Easton Corbin
Easton Corbin is one of the most successful new artists in country music. His traditional country sound, authentic lyrics, and mastery of understatement have propelled him to the top of country music. Hits include "A Little More Country Than That," "Roll With It," "I Can't Love You Back," "Lovin' You is Fun," and "All Over the Road." Shooting Star Casino. 218-935-2711, 218-935-2701

June 9, Fargo/Moorhead
Happy Harry's Ribfest
Enjoy award-winning BBQ ribs, chicken, corn on the cob, a petting zoo, carnival rides, games galore, and national acts performing on stage at the Fargodome. This year's performers include Collective Soul, Night Ranger, and Diamond Rio. 701-241-9100

June 10-11, Bemidji
Bemidji Bird City Celebration
Bemidji is Minnesota’s newest ‘Bird City!" Join the celebration and learn about native birds through programs and birding tours, and find out what local groups are doing to make Bemidji a 'bird-friendly' town! Lake Bemidji State Park, Bemidji State University, and Cameron Park Pavilion. 218-444-3915

June 17, Moorhead
Everclear "So Much for the Afterglow 20th Anniversary Tour" with Vertical Horizon & Fastball
It's been 20 years since Everclear released their 1997 multiplatinum smash So Much For The Afterglow, yet the album remains a beloved fan favorite, and continues to inspire new generations of musicians & fans today. Everclear is about to embark on a highly anticipated tour celebrating its milestone anniversary, with plans to perform the album front to back, including some tracks the band has never played live. Bluestem Amphitheater. 866-300-8300

Northeast Minnesota

June 2-4, Grand Marais
Northern Landscapes Festival
Explore the spring explosion of life and discover the birds, wildflowers, insects of this dynamic and rich northern landscape. Participation in the festival is open to anyone interested in hands-on learning. Field-focused courses form the backbone of the event with multiple evening and afternoon programs in biology, beauty and biodiversity. North House Folk School. 218-387-9762

June 3, Embarrass
National Sauna Day
National Sauna Day features guided bus tours of area saunas, sauna day conversations & tall tales, live music, games, door prize drawings, and Finnish food and goods. Nelimark Homestead Museum. 218-984-3012

June 3-4, Duluth
Duluth Air & Aviation Expo
The largest air show in Minnesota returns to Duluth on June 3-4, 2017 featuring the U.S. Navy Blue Angels and Canadian Forces Snowbirds. The Duluth Air & Aviation Expo, presented by St. Luke's, will be the first air show in Minnesota history to feature two major jet demonstration teams! Duluth International Airport. 218-628-9995

June 8-10, Grand Rapids
The Wizard of Oz Festival (At Judy Garland's Birth Home)
Come Celebrate the Wizard of Oz and Judy Garland with some very special events including a talent contest, Oz & Judy Jeopardy, high tea & music, Introduction to Oz by historian and documentarian John Fricke, outdoor showing of The Wizard of Oz on a jumbo screen, Dash for the Ruby Slippers 5K, and Emerald City Fest. 218-327-9276, 218-326-1900

June 10-11, Ely
The Great American Canoe Festival
Enjoy all things paddle, and celebrate the story of the canoe and paddles sports, at the heart of the Canoe Capital of the World. The Great American Canoe Festival includes symposiums, demonstrations, a family fun paddle, paddling classes, vendors, The Mighty Paddle Challenge Race, and much more. Semer's Park and other Ely area venues. 218-206-4702

June 17-18, Virginia
Land of the Loon Arts & Crafts Festival
The Land of the Loon Arts & Crafts Festival features hundreds of artisan, craft and food vendors in beautiful, historic Olcott Park. Start the morning with a good, old-fashioned parade, then stroll through pathways lined with unique, handcrafted items. 218-749-8161

Gun Shows / Gun Show Watertown
« on: May 31, 2017, 10:57:44 AM »
Gun Show

July 28-30 Watertown. Turner Hall 301 S. 4th st. SH: Fri 3-8, Sat 9-5 & Sun 9-3. Adm $6. 8' Tbls $40. Call Chad- 262-443-2278

Wisconsin Outdoor Report for May 11, 2017

Despite much of the state receiving at least some rain in the last week, fire danger levels have reached high to very high in far northern and northwestern Wisconsin, prompting Gov. Scott Walker to declare a precautionary state of emergency. People are urged to continue to use caution with all types of outdoor burning, ash disposal and equipment use and to search the DNR website for keyword "fire" to check on conditions and restrictions in their area.

Sunshine and warm temperatures brought out lots of anglers for the opening of Wisconsin's inland game fish season last weekend. Anglers took to inland trout streams and lakes, with trout fishing reported as excellent on some inland streams with water levels perfect for fishing. Some lake anglers reported water temperatures were still cool keeping fishing slower, but walleye anglers across the north and on Green Bay found good success with many boats coming back to the dock with fish. There were some reports of bluegills biting on area lakes and crappie fishing was starting to heat up on some of the smaller lakes in central Wisconsin

Fishing pressure on Lake Michigan has been low due to large waves and strong winds off the lake. Small craft advisories were in effect on several days over the last couple of weeks. The water along the shoreline was cloudy/turbid nearly half a mile offshore the majority of the week. Alewives have moved in along shorelines and some rivers and cormorants and terns were diving to feed on them at various locations along the lake. The Saturday opener brought many bass fishermen out along Door County but high winds influenced anglers to not stay out too long. Some still found success catching 10-plus bass for a half days trip.

Lake Winnebago system fisheries biologists reported that after a fairly short sturgeon run on the upper Fox and Wolf rivers this spring, sturgeon were again observed spawning at locations on the Wolf River in late April. Second runs likely occur annually, but are so short and never as large as the first so are not always observed or reported. This year it was reported and fisheries crews were able to capture and tag an additional 46 fish.

The spring turkey season is in full swing, with many turkey hunters successful so far this spring. Third period hunters reported modest early morning gobbler activity that ended abruptly about two hours after sunrise, then picked back up from late morning into early afternoon. Most hens appear to be on their nests, incubating their clutch of eggs, which averages about 10-12 eggs.

Sharp-tailed grouse have begun their mating dances seen in the early morning at Crex Meadows State Wildlife Area.

After a long stint of northerly winds kept the bulk of spring migrants at bay, the flood gates opened a bit this week, ushering in the first major push of warblers, orioles, grosbeaks, and more. Birders in southern parks and woodlands tallied 25-plus warbler species, while 13-plus species were tallied north to the Lake Superior shore. Orioles and rose-breasted grosbeaks are widespread now, with hummingbirds and indigo buntings less common yet. On Lake Superior blue jay migration is nearing peak with more than a thousand tallied in northern Bayfield County on May 10.

Spring beauties, large flowered bellwort, trilliums, bloodroot, dwarf ginseng, Dutchman's breeches, marsh marigolds, jack-in-the-pulpits, bellwort, trout lily and hepatica are blooming. A few morels are up, but experienced mushroom pickers say the weather has been too cool so far this year for the morel mushrooms to grow.

Wildfire Report

Statewide fire danger ranged from Low to Very High this past week; 45 fires burned 38 acres in DNR Protection Areas. Annual burning permits have been periodically suspended. The largest fire of the week burned 20 acres in Shawano County. The main wildfire causes this week included equipment, trash/debris burning, improper ash disposal and a couple power line fires. People are urged to continue to use caution with all types of outdoor burning, ash disposal and equipment use. Property owners are reminded to remain present when burning debris in a barrel or on the ground - should your fire escape, you can be held responsible for the cost of fire suppression and any damages resulting from the escaped fire. Clear an area around the pile or barrel and make sure a hose is attached to a working spigot. Wet down the burned area before leaving. Stay aware of the current fire danger for your area by checking our website:, keyword "fire". May 14 marks the fourth anniversary of the Germann Road Fire that burned 7,442 acres and 100 buildings (including 22 homes and cabins) in Douglas County.

Firewise Tip: Are there any branches or dead trees close to power lines on your property? Ask the power company to clear them. - Joanne Ackerman, wildland urban interface coordinator, Madison

Statewide Birding Report

Finally! After a long stint of northerly winds kept the bulk of migrants at bay, the flood gates opened a bit on Tuesday in the south and Wednesday statewide, ushering in the first major push of warblers, orioles, grosbeaks, and more. Birders in southern parks and woodlands tallied 25-plus warbler species, while 13-plus species were tallied north to the Lake Superior shore. Orioles and rose-breasted grosbeaks are widespread now, with hummingbirds and indigo buntings less common yet. Other favorites that have returned in numbers include house wrens, gray catbirds, and bobolinks.

Least flycatcher, veery, and red-eyed vireo arrived to the south this week. Birders there even reported some species typical of the mid- to late migration season such as black-billed cuckoo, dickcissel, and olive-sided flycatcher. Waterbird migration is generally waning fast but a daily watch on Lake Michigan at Harrington Beach State Park continues to see good numbers of red-breasted mergansers, common and Caspian terns, common and a few red-throated loons, Bonaparte's, glaucous, and Thayer's gulls, and other species. Shorebird migration remains fairly slow as well, though peak flights for these species, many of which breed in arctic Canada, is yet to come.

Northern Wisconsin
Farther north blue jay migration is nearing peak--more than a thousand were tallied along the Lake Superior shore in northern Bayfield County on May 10. Ruby-crowned kinglets remain common in the north woods, alongside increasing warbler numbers and lingering dark-eyed juncos, American tree sparrows, and even an occasional snow bunting! Lincoln's and white-crowned sparrows have arrived there among increasing numbers of white-throated sparrows. Pine siskins persist amid decreasing numbers of purple finches. Overhead, sharp-shinned hawks, broad-winged hawks, and bald eagles dominate as locals set up territories and migrants press northward.

Rarities & Reporting
Some of the rarities spotted across the state this week include northern mockingbirds in La Crosse, Sheboygan and Vilas counties, glossy ibis in Dodge County, white-faced ibises in Dodge, Winnebago and Green Lake counties, black-necked stilt in Brown County, and white-eyed vireo in Dane and Milwaukee counties. The week ahead looks fairly promising for migration, with at least several days of southerly winds in the forecast. If so, this will usher in the peak of landbird migration in the southern half of the state and improved birding in the north. And don't let bad weather keep you from heading out - rainy days in May often provide the most spectacular birding! Help us track bird populations by reporting your migration sightings to and observations of nesting birds to Good birding! - Ryan Brady, research scientist, Ashland

Wolf hunting could return to Minnesota, Wisconsin

(ASSOCIATED PRESS) - Gray wolves in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan could find themselves in the crosshairs of hunters as soon as this fall.

A ruling is expected soon from the same appeals court that recently lifted protections for wolves in Wyoming. Officials say that whether Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan can hold wolf seasons this fall would depend in part on how soon the court rules.

Meanwhile, wolf-hunting supporters in Congress aren't giving up even though a Minnesota representative was instrumental in killing an effort that would have allowed the three Midwest states to resume wolf hunting.

Gray wolves were once hunted to the brink of extinction in the lower 48 states, but they recovered under Endangered Species Act protections and reintroduction programs. They now number around 5,500.

2017 Wisconsin waterfowl, other migratory game bird hunting seasons finalized

Migratory game bird hunters in Wisconsin will have seasons for duck, geese, dove, woodcock and other migratory game birds that are nearly identical to the structure seen in 2016 under a rule approved by the state Natural Resources Board at its April 12 meeting in Madison.

Similar to last year, the Horicon Canada goose hunting zone will have one single continuous 92-day time period, rather than the two split time periods experienced in the past. In addition, the pintail daily bag limit based on U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service frameworks, has been reduced from two to one.

The first of the 2017 migratory game bird seasons will open with the early Canada goose, mourning dove and early teal seasons. Regular waterfowl hunting seasons will include a 60-day duck season and 92-day goose season.

As a reminder to Canada goose hunters, registration of Canada geese within 48 hours of harvest is still required. However, in-field validation of the Canada goose hunting permit is no longer required. Canada goose harvest registration can be conducted via phone at 1-844-GAME-REG (1-844-426-3734) or online at GameReg.Wi.Gov.

Early season dates are as follows:

• Early Teal - Sept. 1-7 (six birds per day) (Extended to fourth year due to USFWS regulatory timeline);

• Early Goose - Sept. 1-15 (five birds per day);

• Mourning Dove - Sept. 1 to Nov. 29 (15 birds per day); and

• Woodcock - Sept. 23 to Nov. 6 (three birds per day).

Duck season dates and bag limits are as follows:

Opening day shooting hours would begin one-half hour before sunrise for all regular waterfowl hunting seasons.

• Youth Hunt - Sept. 16-17;

• North Zone - Sept. 23 to Nov. 21;

• South Zone - Sept. 30 to Oct. 8 and Oct. 14 to Dec. 3 (five-day split); and

• Mississippi Zone - Sept. 30 to Oct. 6 and Oct. 14 to Dec. 5 (seven-day split, closed Oct. 7-13).

The daily bag limit statewide is six ducks, including no more than:

• four mallards, of which only one may be a hen;

Current Time 0:00
Duration Time 0:00
Stream TypeLIVE
Loaded: 0%Progress: 0%0:00
• one black duck;

• two canvasbacks;

• three wood ducks;

• one pintail;

• three scaup; and

• two redheads.

Five mergansers can be harvested daily, of which no more than two may be hooded.

Regular goose season dates are as follows:

The state is apportioned into two goose hunting zones for the regular season: Horicon and Exterior. The Mississippi River is a sub-zone within the Exterior Zone. Daily bag limits are two geese each in the Exterior and Horicon zones.

Exterior Zone (92 days total):

• North - Sept. 16 to Dec. 16;

• South - Sept. 16 to Oct. 8 and Oct. 14 to Dec. 21; and

• Mississippi - Sept. 30 to Oct. 6 and Oct. 14 to Jan. 4.

Horicon Zone (one period, 12 tags per hunter):

• Horicon - Sept. 16 - Dec. 16.

Wisconsin Outdoor News Update

Provide public access to the outdoors and earn extra income through the Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive Program
MADISON - The Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive Program is the perfect way to earn extra income and provide opportunities for others to enjoy the outdoors.

Anglers, boaters key to preventing the spread of aquatic invasive species
MADISON -- As fishing activity ramps up in waters with early season opportunities and anticipation builds for the general inland season fishing opener on May 6, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources reminds anglers that a few extra minutes spent emptying live wells and cleaning plant debris from anchors and trailers plays a critical role in preventing the spread of aquatic invasive species. -

Final comments sought on Lake Michigan fisheries management plan update

MADISON -- The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has completed the final draft of its long-term fisheries management plan for Wisconsin's Lake Michigan waters and invites citizens to provide final input. Lake Michigan has seen drastic ecological changes in recent years and the new plan will guide fisheries management through the next 10 years. -

Catchable trout: coming soon to a water near you
MADISON -- Anglers of all ages will soon have many more reasons to get excited about the upcoming inland fishing season opener on May 6 thanks to efforts by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to stock "catchable" trout in locally accessible lakes, ponds and streams. -

Focus on safety for a successful spring turkey season
MADISON -- Approximately 80,000 hunters will be heading to the field for the 2017 spring turkey hunting season, with the first season starting April 19.

Landowners encouraged to look for and control garlic mustard
MADISON - Early spring is the best time to check gardens, yards and woodlands for garlic mustard and take measures to control this rapidly spreading invasive plant, state invasive plant experts say. -

Explore Minnesota Weekly Events Update - April 19, 2017

Southern Minnesota

April 21-23, Lanesboro
Ibsen Festival
The 2017 Ibsen Festival celebrates everything Scandinavian with free food and coffee, an aquavit tasting, a retrospective on the many years of Ibsen festivals, a sculptor and his works, and two pieces of theatre including an adaptation of Ibsen’s final play, "When We Dead Awaken." Commonweal Theatre and venues in downtown Lanesboro. 507-467-2525, 507-467-2905

April 22, Wabasha
Earth Day
Celebrate Earth Day by learning how you can help protect the environment and the ways you can promote healthy bald eagle habitat by planting a complimentary white pine sapling. Plus, help the eagle ambassadors celebrate their “hatch day” with special eagle enrichment activities. National Eagle Center. 651-565-4989

April 22, Albert Lea
A Taste of Heritage
Groups from around the world will demonstrate and display aspects of heritage at a large number of booths. There will also be a Flag Ceremony, and live entertainment. Northbridge Mall. 507-373-2316, 800-345-8414

April 28-30, Winona/Lanesboro
Bluff Country Studio Art Tour
Explore the art and scenery of southeastern Minnesota and northeastern Iowa during the Bluff Country Studio Art Tour. This self-guided tour features more than 25 artists and 20 studios, galleries, the Minnesota Marine Art Museum and other locations in more than a dozen cities. Visitors can see artists at work, and shop for ceramics, turned wood, clay, fiber, sculpture, photography, jewelry and more. Detailed map. 651-307-6373

April 28-30, Le Sueur
Le Sueur County Pioneer Power Swap Meet
The 40th Annual Pioneer Power Swap Meet is a giant gathering of antique machinery, a huge swap meet and flea market, and an antique show. The 100 series of International Harvester Tractors, built from 1954 to 1963, will be featured at this year's show. Pioneer Power Showgrounds, roughly 6 miles east of Le Sueur on County Road 26. 507-934-5841, 507-327-4927

May 4-7, Red Wing, Wabasha, Winona and other communities along the Mississippi River
100 Mile Garage Sale
The 100 Mile Garage Sale extends from Red Wing to Winona on the Minnesota side of the Mississippi River. Thousands of individuals and businesses, even whole neighborhoods, participate. While there are no maps, watch for signs, balloons and ribbons that mark locations. 651-385-5934

Minneapolis-St. Paul Area

March 3 - May 4, St. Paul
Omnifest 2017
Experience larger-than-life adventures -- from the immense glaciers in the Arctic to the breathtaking summit of Mount Everest and the spectacular views of the Nile, known as the "Mount Everest of Rivers." With a diverse film line-up that will appeal to all ages and interests, Omnifest 2017 is an ideal family destination! Science Museum of Minnesota. 651-221-9444

March 18 - April 23, St. Paul
Spring Flower Show at the Sunken Garden
Spring Flower Show highlights include yellow and pink tulips, yellow daffodils, yellow hyacinths and yellow crocus, with a small percentage of white hydrangeas giving this show a unique aesthetic. Marjorie McNeely Conservatory. 651-487-8200, 651-487-8201

March 24 - April 30, Apple Valley
Farm Babies
Gather your little chicks and celebrate the sights and sounds of spring at the Wells Fargo Family Farm. Enjoy adorable piglets, lambs, goat kids, bunnies, chicks and calves. All the cute happens daily, with special family activities each weekend. Minnesota Zoo. 952-431-9200, 952-431-9500

April 13-29, Minneapolis
Minneapolis St. Paul International Film Festival
Check out more than 250 new feature length and short narrative and documentary films representing over 70 countries! Also enjoy special presentations, programs and parties! St. Anthony Main theatres and other venues. 612-331-7563

April 18 - May 14, St. Paul
GIRL Shakes Loose
GIRL Shakes Loose is a powerful coming-of-age musical, a soulful story of one woman’s search for herself. Brimming with hope, humor, and headstrong passion, you’ll cheer GIRL on, remembering your own journey along the way. Penumbra Theatre. 651-224-3180

April 20-22, Shakopee
Junk Bonanza Vintage Market Spring Show
The Junk Bonanza hosts more than 150 juried "junk" vendors of vintage finds, beautiful antiques, architectural salvage and one-of-a-kind and artisan-repurposed pieces, all artfully arrayed. This is a best-of shopping experience for purveyors and lovers of vintage goods. Canterbury Park. 612-227-8161

April 20-23, Chanhassen
Celebration 2017
Celebration 2017 will honor and celebrate the life and legacy of Prince, as the world marks the first anniversary of his passing. Bringing together musicians, creative personnel, special guests and friends who worked closest with Prince and knew him best, these four days will feature live music, panel discussions and presentations on Prince’s tremendous talent, influence and importance as a composer, musician, producer, live performer and filmmaker. Paisley Park.

April 22, Stillwater
Paris in the 20s
Step back in time and celebrate 1920's Parisian food and culture. Enjoy a dinner based on a menu by Lynne Rosetto Kasper, food writer and MPR host of "The Splendid Table." Also enjoy a social hour, hors d'oeuvres, a glass of champagne, and an Old World cash bar. The Outing Lodge. 651-439-9747

April 22, Blaine
Green Expo
This free event provides information on all topics related to sustainability including recycling and waste reduction, alternative energy options, water conservation, holistic health information and more. Check out the wide array of displays, exhibitor booths, presentations, hands-on activities for the kids, and prize giveaways! Complete details. Sport Expo Center at the National Sports Center. 763-767-6485

April 27-30, Minneapolis
Art in Bloom
Delight in 165 floral designs that interpret objects from MIA’s collection. Various activities and events will be offered each day during Art in Bloom. Minneapolis Institute of Art. 612-870-3000

April 28-30, St. Paul
Minnesota Horse Expo & Barnes PRCA Rodeo
This is Minnesota's largest equine trade show with over 700 exhibitor booths in five state fair buildings and lining the streets. In addition to this easy-access marketplace, enjoy more than 50 breeds of horses, free horse, pony and wagon rides, presentations by local and national speakers and clinicians, demonstrations, and tips and suggestions for horse training, care, handling, riding and housing. The Barnes PRCA Rodeo will be offered each day of the Expo. Minnesota State Fairgrounds. 952-922-8666, 877-462-8758

April 28-30, Minneapolis
Outdoor Adventure Expo
Attend the Outdoor Adventure Expo for access to roughly 120 free outdoor adventure presentations, more than 100 exhibitors, a canoe and kayak auction, the Radical Reels Film Festival, great sales, and the Beer & Gear Social and Raffle! Midwest Mountaineering. 612-339-3433

April 29, Columbus
Beer Fest at Running Aces
Sample over 50 craft and microbrews. Admission includes a souvenir glass, $10 gaming voucher, and the chance to win prizes. Running Aces. 651-925-4600, 651-925-4571

Upcoming Twin Cities' concerts and performances:
Wicked at the Historic Orpheum Theatre in Minneapolis, April 12 - May 14
Mike Posner and the Legendary Mike Posner Band at Mystic Lake Casino Hotel in Prior Lake, April 22
Bill Engvall at Treasure Island Resort & Casino in Welch, April 28
Todd Rundgren - White Knight: The ChivalRock Tour at the Ames Center, May 2
Daryl Hall and John Oates & Tears for Fears at the Xcel Energy Center in St. Paul, May 11
Male Revue Cabaret - Fifty Shades of Men at Mystic Lake Casino Hotel, May 12
Olivia Newton-John at Treasure Island Resort & Casino, May 12
Well-Strung at the Pantages Theatre in Minneapolis, May 12
Chicago at Treasure Island Resort & Casino, May 13
1975 at the Roy Wilkins Auditorium at St. Paul RiverCentre, May 17
Joan Jett & the Blackhearts at Mystic Lake Casino Hotel in Prior Lake, May 20
The Legend of Zelda Symphony of the Goddesses at the Historic Orpheum Theatre, May 20
Tickets available through Eventful or Ticketmaster.

Central Minnesota

April 2-30 (Sundays), Alexandria
Sparkling Sundays
Are you looking for something uniquely different for your Sunday morning? Enjoy unlimited mimosas, bagels & muffins paired with copies of popular newspapers! Carlos Creek Winery. 320-846-5443

April 21-30, Alexandria
Spring Drama: Romeo & Juliet
William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy about two young star-crossed lovers whose deaths ultimately reconcile their feuding families. This tragic love story has been adapted for stage by Alexandria's own Philip Goellner, who adapted Hamlet in 2015. Alexandria Area Arts Theatre. 320-762-8300

April 22, Spicer
Earth Day & Recycled Outdoor Gear Sale
This is a fun and educational experience for the whole family with products and services from over thirty exhibitors, along with activities centered on water quality, energy efficiency, land management, and much more. Prairie Woods Environmental learning Center. 320-354-5894

April 22, Hutchinson
A Midsummer Night's Dream Gala
Experience a Shakespearean Soiree for the Senses at the annual Night for the Arts Gala themed party. Meet the artists, see artwork co-created by artists and local celebrity artists working together on carefully selected art pieces, check out the silent auction, shop at the Pop-Up Shop, and enjoy signature drinks and hors d’oeuvres served by fair maidens and court staff! Crow River Golf Club. 320-587-7278

April 28, Baxter
Arbor Day Fine Wine & Craft Beer Tasting Event
Celebrate the 11th Annual Arbor Day with fine wine and craft beer paired with hors d’oeuvres. Each guest will receive a commemorative wine or beer glass, and a seedling to take home. A silent auction will run throughout the night. Northland Arboretum. 218-829-8770

April 28-29, Nisswa
Brainerd Jaycees Run for the Lakes
The Run for the Lakes is the Brainerd Lakes Area's premier running event. In addition to wide variety of races and runs, enjoy a free Saturday Night Tent Party at the Pines Golf Course featuring live music by Chris Hawkey. 218-330-2604

May 5-7, Brainerd
Bracket Drag Racing Series
The Bracket Drag Racing Series features 250+ cars competing for prize money, series points, and ultimately, a series championship. Six race weekends comprise the series this year. Racing on Saturday and Sunday, with a Test & Tune on Friday. Brainerd International Raceway. 218-824-7223

Northwest Minnesota

March 8 - April 22, East Grand Forks
New Hues: An Exhibition of Color
A new collection of colorful art has arrived-just in time for spring! The Northwest Minnesota Arts Council (NWMAC) is excited to exhibit the works of inspiring regional artists alongside special guest artists from throughout the state of Minnesota. Meet the artists at the Artists’ Reception, which will be held at the gallery on the last day of the exhibition, April 22, in conjunction with the Riverwalk Artists during the Art & Wine Walk, starting at 1 p.m. Riverwalk Centre. 218-399-0162

April 21-22, Bemidji
Pine to Prairie Fiber Arts Trail Festival
Visit the studios of fiber artists along a route connecting Bemidji, Turtle River and Tenstrike, Minnesota. Witness the creative process of artists in mediums of weaving, basket making, Native American beading, knotting, quilting, felting and more. And don't miss the new line-up of workshops, hands-on demos, woolen mill tours, and speakers! Studio map. 218-444-7570

April 22, Fargo/Moorhead
Eco Chic Design Conference
The Design Conference is an all-day Eco Chic Event for the DIY, decor, and inspiration enthusiasts. Enjoy a day of shopping, workshops, local and national celebrity speakers, and great food and socializing. Scheels Arena. 701-364-3672

April 26 - June 17, East Grand Forks
Hope and Freedom: Mending the Soul by Christine Foster
Christine's artwork tells the stories of abuse survivors who have not only survived but have experienced hope and freedom. Riverwalk Centre. 218-399-0162

April 29, Park Rapids
Itasca to Hubbel Pond Series Hike #1
Join the North Country Trail hiking group and a naturalist as they begin their first of 12 hikes in the 'Itasca to Hubbel Pond' series. This 6.5 mile hike travels through rolling glacial landscape within the south section of Itasca State Park from 12:30 - 4:30 p.m. Portions of the trail will be strenuous. 218-847-1929, 218-699-7251

May 6-7, Walker
Fit for Life Expo and Youth Crappie Tournament
The Fit for Life Expo, held Saturday at the Walker Area Community Center, will feature vendors offering information and products for a healthy life, as well as a presentation by Physical Trainer Eddy Kendrick. And on Sunday, youth ages 14 and under are welcome to participate in this annual fishing tournament, with prizes and food for everyone. Walker Marine Marina on Leech Lake. 218-209-1822, 218-547-1313

Northeast Minnesota

April 20 - May 7, Duluth
La Cage aux Folles
This high-spirited musical comedy will tickle audiences as partners-for-life, Albin and Georges, try desperately to "fit in" for the sake of their son's impending marriage. The winner of six Tony Awards, including Best Musical (1984) and Best Revival of a Musical (2005 & 2010), this musical remains one of Broadway's all-time biggest hits! The Duluth Playhouse. 218-733-7555, 218-733-7577

April 22, Mountain Iron
Iron Range Earth Fest
The 9th Annual Iron Range Earth Fest will feature exhibits, local vendor marketplace, presentations, demonstrations, local food, live music, family activities, and more! Mountain Iron Community Center. 320-295-1637

April 22, Duluth
Art for the Earth Day Gallery Hop
Tour local galleries, visit with artists, take a class and watch demonstrations at numerous downtown Duluth galleries including the Duluth Art Institute, Washington 315 Gallery and UMD Art & Design. 218-722-1451

April 29, Chisholm
Family Discovery Day: Into Outer Space
Meet members from the Range Astronomy Club, play an astronomy trivia game, learn about the solar system, make a traditional Finnish paper star, see a real astronaut suit from NASA and try on an astronaut helmet. If there is a clear sky, the Range Astronomy Club will be setting up telescopes for safe viewing of the sun with a sun filter, and for daytime moon viewing. After visiting the Discovery Center, head over to the Paulucci Space Theater for more space-related shows, activities and nighttime telescope viewing with the Range Astronomy Club. 218-254-7959

April 30 - May 7, Duluth
Homegrown Music Festival
The Homegrown Music Festival is Duluth's annual musical showcase of rawk and/or roll by roughly 200 musical acts along with a few filmmakers and other artists at venues throughout the Twin Ports. 218-590-1210

May 6-7, Sandstone
Kettle River Paddle Festival
This whitewater paddling festival on the Kettle River draws whitewater and flat water paddlers together for a weekend of paddling fun, a down river race, whitewater rodeo, and a big paddlers' party. Participants can also hike the trails at Banning State Park, and rock climb in Robinson Park. Bring your slack line, your dog and all your friends! 651-302-1774

Wisconsin Fishing / Attention Winnebago System Sturgeon Enthusiasts:
« on: April 17, 2017, 09:36:18 AM »
Attention Winnebago System Sturgeon Enthusiasts:

The 2017 lake sturgeon spawning run on the Wolf River has begun.  Fish are currently spawning at the Sturgeon Trail in New London and Bamboo Bend in Shiocton.  Our fisheries crew will be tagging fish at these two locations today and both are publicly accessible.  If you plan to come see the sturgeon spawn this spring, I suggest making plans to come to one of these two locations within the next couple of days.  Peak spawning activity typically only takes place for a day or two at a given site, so don't wait too long.

Minnesota Fishing / Minnesota Fishing Dates
« on: April 17, 2017, 09:35:05 AM »
Minnesota Fishing – April 2017
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The partial list of fishing season dates we sent out on April 11 may have been confusing. Here’s a new version. For a complete list of dates, check the fishing regulations.
Open now
Fishing for walleye and sauger in Minnesota-Canada border waters is open through Friday, April 14.
Catch-and-release fishing for stream trout in southeast streams (Dodge, Goodhue, Fillmore, Houston, Mower, Olmsted, Wabasha and Winona counties) is open through Friday, April 14.
Catch-and-release lake sturgeon fishing in Minnesota-Canada border waters is open through Sunday, April 23.
Many common fish such as crappies and sunfish have continuous seasons.
April 15: Stream trout fishing opens in streams
April 24: Lake sturgeon harvest season begins in Minnesota-Canada border waters
May 8: Catch-and-release lake sturgeon fishing begins in Minnesota-Canada border waters
May 13: Minnesota fishing opener for walleye, sauger, northern pike; smallmouth and largemouth bass catch-and-release fishing begins south and west of U.S. Highway 53 from Duluth to International Falls (except Pelican and Ash lakes in St. Louis County); smallmouth and largemouth bass harvest season begins north and east of U.S. Highway 53 from Duluth to International Falls and Pelican and Ash lakes in St. Louis County; and fishing for stream trout in lakes and lake trout begins
May 27: Largemouth bass and smallmouth bass harvest season begins south and west of U.S. Highway 53 from Duluth to International Falls (except Pelican and Ash lakes in St. Louis County)
June 3: Muskellunge fishing begins

Explore Minnesota Birding Update.  Happy birding!

April Nature Notes

The spring migration is well underway with a wide variety of birds returning to Minnesota. The first waves of early migrant songbirds include yellow-rumped warbler, ruby-crowned kinglet, golden-crowned kinglet, and palm warbler. Some areas are already bursting with the songs of eastern phoebe and hermit thrush. The shallow wetlands and mudflats are teeming with shorebirds, and great horned owl, bald eagle and Canada goose are currently raising their young.

In fact, the International Owl Center's resident great horned owls, Iris and Rusty, are now the proud parents of two baby owlets -- view these little balls of fluff on the International Owl Center web cam.

Did You Know?

The spring migration started off earlier than normal for some bird species due to this winter's unseasonably warm temperatures. But why weren't all species impacted by the warm conditions? It turns out there are two types of migrants, each responding to different environmental cues and innate factors. Learn more at the Audubon's How Different Spring Migrants Decide When to Head North.

Springtime is ideal for establishing a bird-friendly yard. Audubon has gathered a number of resources that will help draw birds to your backyard. Learn about native plant selection, yard and garden planning, and much more at How to Make Your Yard Bird-Friendly. Audubon also offers information on how to make your own birdbath!

Upcoming Birding Events

April 15, Houston
Owl Prowl to Call In Wild Owls
Experience wild owls on their terms: outdoors after dark! Let the experts teach you how to call them in, and why calling shouldn't be done regularly in the same area. International Owl Center. 507-896-6957

April 16, Victoria
Raptors in the Yard
See Minnesota raptors up close and learn about their habits and habitat. Lowry Nature Center. 763-694-7650

April 22, Hastings
Hastings Area Earth Day Birding Festival
Celebrate the many birds of Minnesota with an “Introduction to Birding” class, a “Raptors 101” class, bird banding demonstrations, and guided bird trips in the Hastings area. Carpenter Nature Center. 651-437-4359

April 22, Two Harbors
Peregrine Falcons on the North Shore
Meet two live falcons and learn more about these amazing birds and how we can help protect them. Split Rock Lighthouse. 218-226-6372

April 22, Wabasha
Earth Day with the Eagles
Celebrate Earth Day by learning how you can help protect the environment and promote healthy bald eagle habitat by planting a complimentary white pine sapling. Plus, help the eagle ambassadors celebrate their “hatch day” with special eagle enrichment activities. National Eagle Center. 651-565-4989

April 28, Hastings
Bird Banding
Bird banders welcome you to see songbirds up close and learn about the birds who share our ecosystem. Banding runs continuously for the full 3 ½ hours but visitors may come and go at any time. Please call ahead. Donations of bird seed or suet are greatly appreciated. Carpenter Nature Center. 651-437-4359

May 6, Two Harbors
Birds of Spring & Birding for You and Me
Learn birding tips, hone your birding skills, and take an easy walk through the park to discover which birds have already returned. Later that day, head to the visitor center and take the birding challenge, test your knowledge of bird songs, play Beakology, and more! Gooseberry Falls State Park. 218-595-7108

Rare Bird Alerts and Recent Sightings

A northern hawk owl was observed by Cory Bartels on April 5 near the Snake River in downtown Warren. There are five or fewer records of northern hawk owl in Marshall County in the spring season.

Check the Duluth/North Shore Rare Bird Alert and the Northwest Minnesota/Detroit Lakes Rare Bird Alert for other recent bird sightings.


Holy Hill Art t & Farm Market Weekends: June 3/4 , September 16/17, October 14/15 9-4pm.We'll present to you the treasures of our local artists, farmers and collectors. Come meet our Market Folks - See their work and talk with them about custom work Go back to the basics... Sit and enjoy coffee, hot sandwiches & soup, bakery and other refreshments. Check out our New Grainery Bar - Bloody Marys and Sangrias! Bring family and friends to enjoy lunch and our live musicians while taking your time to Shop - Relax - Create . Always Free Parking and Admission
Also check out our New Summer Events - Farm Dinners, Art & Wine Nights & John Denver Tribute Concert. For more info and tickets go to our website

Holy Hill Art t & Farm Market Weekends: June 3/4 , September 16/17, October 14/15 9-4pm.We'll present to you the treasures of our local artists, farmers and collectors. Come meet our Market Folks - See their work and talk with them about custom work Go back to the basics... Sit and enjoy coffee, hot sandwiches & soup, bakery and other refreshments. Check out our New Grainery Bar - Bloody Marys and Sangrias! Bring family and friends to enjoy lunch and our live musicians while taking your time to Shop - Relax - Create . Always Free Parking and Admission
Also check out our New Summer Events - Farm Dinners, Art & Wine Nights & John Denver Tribute Concert. For more info and tickets go to our website

Holy Hill Art t & Farm Market Weekends: June 3/4 , September 16/17, October 14/15 9-4pm.We'll present to you the treasures of our local artists, farmers and collectors. Come meet our Market Folks - See their work and talk with them about custom work Go back to the basics... Sit and enjoy coffee, hot sandwiches & soup, bakery and other refreshments. Check out our New Grainery Bar - Bloody Marys and Sangrias! Bring family and friends to enjoy lunch and our live musicians while taking your time to Shop - Relax - Create . Always Free Parking and Admission
Also check out our New Summer Events - Farm Dinners, Art & Wine Nights & John Denver Tribute Concert. For more info and tickets go to our website

Wisconsin DNR Outdoor Reports and News / Wisconsin Outdoor Report
« on: March 25, 2017, 08:42:56 AM »
Wisconsin is now mostly snow free, though some areas of the far north received a dusting to a couple of inches earlier this week. Lakes are open throughout southern Wisconsin and are opening in the central part of the state. Northwoods lakes still have ice cover but, conditions are deteriorating quickly and the ice is extremely soft.

Despite somewhat still damp conditions, 36 wildfires were reported in the last week, half of which were caused by debris burning. Fire danger ranged from Low to High across the state. Burning permits were suspended a few days in areas where the fire danger was High. Rain is forecast through the weekend, which will lower fire danger temporarily, but as things dry out, fire danger will increase.

Most trails are now open only to hiking; most mountain bike trails are closed to prevent rutting in the soft soil, and bikers are asked to refrain from riding the limestone-screened rail-trails if the surface is soft which can leave deep ruts when the trails dry out.

The Menominee River has been producing some nice brown trout and a few walleye mainly below the Hattie Street Dam down to Stephenson Island in Marinette. The boat launches and rivers along the west shore are mostly still iced in. All of the landings on the bay side of Door County are still frozen shut. The bay itself is fairly open with some ice chunks out on the water and some ice shoves forming along shore. Along the lake, the Kewaunee Harbor is open and anglers took advantage of the calm weather last weekend out on the lake, mainly trolling close to shore for brown trout.

Lake Michigan tributaries are open but low flows are being reported on most rivers and the steelhead run so far has been slow. A few steelhead were reported from the Branch, Manitowoc, Sheboygan and Root rivers. The Port Washington harbor has been producing a fair amount of brown trout, with the occasional steelhead.

Anglers were out in droves last weekend on the Fox River in hopes of catching some early season walleye. Anglers were fishing both from shore with moderate success and many anglers also took to their boats and lined the Fox fishing the middle of the river.

Male turkeys can be seen fanned out and displaying as the breeding season in nearing. Leftover spring turkey permits went on sale Monday and the licensing center processed 13,000 permits that day. All remaining leftover permits go on sale at 10 a.m. Saturday, March 25.

After an early start, the migration timeline has returned to a more average schedule. Recent arrivals include tree swallows, eastern phoebes, American white pelicans, and common loon. Marshes and shallow lakes are hosting a wide variety of dabbling and diving ducks. Tundra swans made a big push this week as well. American woodcock are displaying on territory, so this is a great time to get out and check out the timberdoodles.

Twenty-eight Kentucky elk have arrived at their new home in the Flambeau River State Forest in Sawyer County. The elk will be enclosed in a 7-acre holding pen to satisfy quarantine and animal health testing requirements and to allow the elk to become familiar with their new surroundings. The area surrounding the holding pen is closed to the public during this period and people are asked to avoid the general vicinity of the closed area.

Maple sap collection seems to be in full swing with buckets and bags hanging in many woodlots right now. Other signs of spring were spring peepers being heard in wetlands this week and skunk cabbage emerging in the south.

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