Author Topic: Should Minnesota Stop Party Hunting?  (Read 2256 times)

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Should Minnesota Stop Party Hunting?
« on: October 29, 2007, 10:11:11 AM »
Save a buck by shooting only one

There are not enough bucks to go around in this state, or any other. Hunters can do their part to restock the state by not party-hunting, that is, sharing their tags with others.

Ask any deer hunter what he or she would like to see Saturday morning, and the answer will be, "A buck."

Then a pause.

Then this: "Make that a big buck."

But there are too few big bucks in Minnesota.

Never mind for the moment the fantasy hunting world portrayed by some outdoors TV shows, in which every deer is a buck, every buck is a monster and every monster buck is cooperative, passing within bow range either immediately before, or immediately after, a commercial break.

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