You REALLY need to read the meeting notes :shock: They admit CWD has probably
been in Wisconsin for over 20 years ( After profiling it would wipe out our entire herd if not stopped within 5 years :roll: Its kinda funny they put it in PDF format that keeps us from copieing and pasteing quotes :wink:
The 1st thing they do is "remind the public of there role as observers only" No cornering questions that can't be weasled out of allowed!!
UW Proffeser Scott Craven said CWD cannot be eradictated from Wisconsin... No duh, its in the soil!
Chad Johnson said that research showed that they actually can infect cattle and sheep with CWD if it is injected directly into the brain. However, it does NOT harm there brain.
Cattle cannot get CWD through digestion.
Chad claims he believes CWD can be eradicated by taking DRASTIC measures... Well Chad, I got news for you, even if you kill every freaking deer in the world, CWD will still be here in the soil unless you can come up with some way to boil all the soil in the US & Canada in bleach ( the only known way of deactivating CWD from soil....
Then there is Richard Bishop the babbling fool... You pretty much gotta read that for yourself. 1st he brags how CWD zone hunters are still spending the same amount of money. But licence sales are down up to 20% in CWD zones since CWD, but that might just be the natural decline... And then after talking about how everybody is still spending the same amount on hunting, we can make another $14 million from hunter money if we eradicate CWD under the current situation....... Notice how he slipped "under the current situation" in there :roll: In other words if the deer herd is where its at now, and they stop CWD.... NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!!! Note to secratary: Add Richard to my "Idiot list"
Joel Peterson says that deer can be infected by living where once infected deer lived... Really, maybe its IN THE SOIL JOEL :roll:
He goes on to say that 3 out of 12 deer that were put in a pen with CWD positive deer became infected.... Geeeese, the way the DNR has been talking you think they all would of gotten in fected???
His tests also showed when deer were put in a pen with a diseased carcass, 3 out of 12 got in fected.... ( Please insert my comment from his above test starting with "Geeeese" :roll: )
Then he says 1 out of 9 (1 1/2 out of 12,) got infected when exposed to Pee/poop from infectiods.... But yet they keep letting deer farms fill, tranmsport across the continet, and sell, millions of bottles of pee for hunters to pour into new landscapes
Joel then says, when CWD prions stick to clay in soil, it actually gets more infective, and gives theories to why.... If it is even more infective by mixing with soil, How do you plan to eradicate it out of the soil Joel???
How you gonna possibly do that?
Chad Johnson comes back to say that 28% (total} of Wisconsins deer have genetic resistance to being able to get CWD... Good thoing there slaughtering those genetic resistant deer :roll:
What are other States dfoing about CWD ?? Alan: Lets postpone that question till some later date... Yep, you sure don't want us to know that answer do you Alan :wink:
Next meeting will be Sept 22nd... Convienenetly when most hunters are to busy hunting to interfere, Right Alan???
Alan promisis to discuss any subjects that were missed at the next meeting... Yea right
Alan also asked for copies of ALL press release's prior to release... You just gotta wonder which ones don't make it to the press....
Before I hear any biased comments about how all these proffessors agreed with "Alan's" views, please remember, these are not random Proffesors, these are Guys that Alan and his croneys hand picked... :wink: