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Awards to recognize shoreland stewardship
« on: December 11, 2007, 01:09:23 PM »
Awards to recognize shoreland stewardship
MADISON - Waterfront property owners who maintain a natural, low maintenance landscape or restore their shoreline with native plants and trees can now get rewarded for the care they show Wisconsin lakes and rivers.
A new, voluntary awards program will annually recognize property owners’ exemplary practices to keep Wisconsin waters healthy, clean and beautiful. It’s modeled after a program in Maine in which award winners have subsequently enjoyed a substantial increase in their property values, according to Gregg Breese, the Department of Natural Resources Shoreland Program manger who created the awards program.
“We wanted to find a way to recognize people who are good stewards of their lakes,” Breese said. “The Shoreland Stewardship Program does that, and we believe it also can help award winners further improve their property and potentially their property values.” 
While “Shoreland Stewardship Award” winners selected through a site evaluation receive a certificate and some small gifts, perhaps the most valuable for homeowners are suggestions for other changes they can make to better protect their lake.
Such environmentally friendly landscaping and maintenance practices can help protect a lake or river by reducing the amount of polluted runoff, by providing important habitat for wildlife and fish, and by protecting scenic beauty, Breese says. A variety of studies in Wisconsin, Minnesota and elsewhere have shown that preserving or restoring the natural character of shorelands increases property values. 
Property owners can nominate themselves or can be nominated by someone else.
Interested property owners fill out a nomination form and submit some photographs to help describe and illustrate efforts they are making on their shoreline property. The nomination form includes a rating scale to note the lake protection practices to counter the effects of: hard surfaces such as roads, driveways and rooftops; structures and septic systems, lawn and recreation areas, and shoreline area.
Points are awarded for installing rain gardens, improving natural shorelines and other rehabilitation. The award evaluation process involves a site visit by a DNR Water Management Specialist or other qualified expert.
Nominations are due by Dec. 31 each year. Applications, including photos of the nominated properties, will be reviewed, and winning property owners will receive plaques.
The DNR will notify property owners early in the year if they have won the award.
The nomination form and more information on the program can be found online at .
FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: Gregg Breese (608) 261-6430
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