Author Topic: Fishing Month by Month on Lake Michigan #1  (Read 3371 times)

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Fishing Month by Month on Lake Michigan #1
« on: December 08, 2008, 09:41:55 AM »
Fishing Month by Month on Lake Michigan #1
By Capt. Jim Hirt

A common question I have received is what's biting each month of the Lake Michigan season. The key to success to fishing is to target the most active species. Please allow me to give you and overview month by month April thru October. There are opportunities for late Fall and Winter however I do not get a chance to fish at that time.

Matt Schrenkowski and his 10.5 pound Chinook

April Brown Trout start the season

Do you want fast action Spring Browns are for you. This is my favorite time of the year. I really get spring fever and April Browns are the answer. The good news here is a simple presentation will do the job. Motor trolling is the method I use but still, shore or drift fishing will work. Pay attention to temperature look for the warmest water you can find. The most productive areas are where the water transitions. You must fish the temp breaks. My go to bait for spring is small Reaper spoons in bright colors or glow in the dark work well. Crank baits and minnow type lures will also fill the cooler. The latter will work in the colder water and as the water warms, spoons will crank up the action

April's a month for Lake Trout

Typically every year good numbers of Lakers are taken in April. Trolling the colder water just outside the harbors and in the shallow waters along the shores will put you in fish. Go with Magnum Reaper spoons and minnow type lures fishing the top 20 feet. Life is good and fishing is easy in April enjoy!

May Coho, Rainbows and Chinook
The water starts to warm and all species become active. The most active is the Coho Salmon. The silver salmon or Coho is my favorite for the table. With a 3-4 pound average and non-stop action most trips limit out. In May Rainbows will walk on their tail for you. May and June are the best months for this prize. Follow the surface temperature break for some of the most exciting action of the season on all varieties of Rainbows. Size will range from 3 to 14 pounds. For anglers that have not caught Rainbows I would recommend you give them a try. Chinook are also starting to become active. Not the most active although we do have time periods during May with Chinook to 18 pounds.

June the water stratifies and action moves off shore.
This month is about the same as May with continued Coho the first half of the month. This is also a great month for Rainbows. The best way to find them is go off shore and look for 48 degree and colder water. Coho like about 50-degree water. I fish exclusively surface presentation down to 25 feet. Light action rods with flasher flies for Coho and Magnum Reaper spoons in green, blue and silver for Rainbows. Chinook are starting to find the water temps they desire. This helps anglers find them and they are easier to target. This is an opportunity for a nice mixed bag of all Lake Michigan fish.
All months offer exciting fishing on charter or with your boat. Remember to work the most active fish and follow good fundamentals. You may want to join on of the many Great Lakes fishing clubs. I have been a member of the Milwaukee Great Lakes Sport Fisherman for over 20 years. Invaluable information is exchanged and camaraderie is had by all, come join us. Please call me for meeting location and times.

The next article will continue with July a fantastic month for all species. You may find the lures discussed in this article at Good Luck let's go fishing!! Come back to this Website often to read all my articles. Jim charters out of Milwaukee, WI. with Blue Max Charters. He can be reached at 414-828-1094. Summer I will be out on the lake fighting fish, however, I would appreciate a call over winter to chat about whatever questions you may have or just call and say hello. You may also visit my web site at Copyright© 2008, James J. Hirt, All Rights Reserved.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2008, 09:50:13 AM by mudbrook »
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