Author Topic: Winnebago Fishing  (Read 3125 times)

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Offline mudbrook

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Winnebago Fishing
« on: February 14, 2007, 09:45:22 AM »
Hi Gang:

Now just remember that on 2/14/2007 it is Valentine's Day, so go out and get a card and some flowers before you go ice fishing today, ok? ( FYI)

Well, here we are in Mid February and finally we have decent ice throughout the entire system. It is nice to have it too, but the fishing could be better, that is for sure. There is about 14-16 inches on Poygan, and I would estimate about the same on Bago. Now remember, no ice is safe, so please be safe, and only go where others are.

I was out on the weekend on Poygan and it was not worth my time. We fished sun up to sun down in my shack on both Saturday and Sunday and only had 5 flags for the entire weekend, and only managed to catch two small perch. We did have a sturgeon on a tip up for a bit also.

Most people are using small swedish pimples tipped with either rosie red minnows or shiners. I personally like to just use the head of a shiner when jigging for walleyes on a swedish pimple. I also tried some Michigan Stinger spoons, and that did not work either. On Wednesday afternoon, we will be pulling our shack about another 1/2 mile north and trying again for those walleyes and perch. With the sturgeon spearing done on Poygan, remember to watch for those holes, and go around them for the next few weeks, until they freeze solid once again.

Several reports came to me in the past few days and today that bago is heating up for walleyes. Several good spots include: 2 to 2.8 ,miles out from Quinney and from Brothertown. It seems there is a nice school of active walleyes and whitebass in this area and the ice fishermen are out there and doing very well. Swedish pimples and shiner heads is what I heard was the hot ticket there.

The north shore was producing some perch out in front of Waverly Beach over the weekend. I heard wax worms or spikes on small rat finks were doing well. Size was not the best, but the action seemed to be ok.

On Saturday, Feb. 17, 2007 we will be havimng a fishing jamboree, or a get together out on Bago. I would like to see some or all of you there. We will be launching off of the old fresh air camp and going out towards Haystack reef. The ice seems fine, and there should be some good action out there as well. There is no entry fee for this, no prizes, nothing to gain, but just a chance to go fishing, have fun, drink beer, smoke cigars and talk stupid. If this interests you, pack up the family and come on out, and bring all your own gear and bait too. I think it would be awesome to see about 200 tip ups all over in a tight area, hell, we would be bound to catch something. If you plan on coming, shoot me an E-mail or message me and let me know. I would just like to see how many plan on attending. Everyone is invited. All you need to do is just look for my shack or my red 2006 Chevy Pick up. We will be about 2/3 of a mile off the ramp, so we should be easy to spot.

It seems the FDL area is putting out some perch as well. Supple marsh area is where i heard there was some action. I was not told the size quality though and what they were using.

I had a few people ask me about fishing around the lighthouse reef on Bago and also about ice fishing around the Pioneer inn in Oshkosh, and my answer was to stay away from these areas. There is a lot of current here from the mouths of the rivers and the fish are just not worth it. Every year I hear of several people going through the ice in these areas. Just stay away and be safe. Where ever there is current, the ice is going to be weaker and thinner. It does not get a chance to freeze as solid as where the current is not. I realize that walleyes will begin to now stage in these areas as they head up under the ice for the spring run, but please just say NO, and stay away.

Several of you have asked about another crawler harness class, and I will do another one in mid march if I get enough people to sign up for it. I currently only have a few people signed up, and would like to get more people. The cost is $40.00 per person, and you will go away with a knowledge of how to tie your own harnesses and also how to run them out on Bago or wherever and be productive. The last class was a huge hit, so I hope you all consider signing up for the next one. I would like to hold it at Bobber's Bar in Stockbridge in their back room. The details are still being worked out at this time though. More to come on this in the future.

I recently received a couple of the automatic ice fishermen tips ups and have to say, they are awesome. If you are looking to upgrade to something easy to set up and easy to use and very effective, I suggest you go out and buy a few of these. I only had 2 flags with them this past weekend, but both fish were instantly hooked and caught.

ok, so now your questions and comments to me........MY FAVORITE PART OF THIS NEWSLETTER...........

Axel, I see you are once again having a fishing day for the kids, I wanted to let you know I helped out last year and would love to help this year, but we have a wedding to attend, and will not be able to attend. Good luck with it, and thank you for doing something great for our youths.

Thanks to you for helping last year, and we would not be able to do it if it was not for all of your help. We are in need of volunteers and some cash donations to make this great day work. Please consider making a small donation if you can. There is a page called Kids Wish for Fish on the site, and on the bottom, you can make a small donation, for as little as the price of one crankbait.

Scott, you have helped me so much over the past few years and I am proud to be a member on your website. Keep up the great work, and always remain the classy guy that you are. It is great to be able to E-mail you, and get a quick response, and also to call you with questions. You have made my fishing so much better over the years. I wanted to ask you a quick question though about how you feel about donating a guided trip to a local church group?

I donate usually 3 trips a year, and in 2007 all three have been accounted for. Please send me the information later in 2007, and I will see what I can do for 2008. I do not mind donating trips for a good cause, or for a local charity at all. Thank you for the compliments as well. It is appreciated.

I recently heard that you are moving out of the area, to Minnesota, any truth to this?

WOW! I would love to know who said this. No truth at all. I was born and raised here, and will always be here, unless I win the powerball lottery soon, and that does not seem to promising. I love how those types of things start. I bet I told someone that I am going to Minnesota to see the Warrior Dealer, and it just escalated from there, too funny.

Who developed your website and who maintains it?

I developed it and maintain the site as much as I can. I just got done doing somethings to it now, and that is why I am now just writing an E-mail to all of you at 11:03 pm. I spend about 2 hours a day on my site doing things to it, that most of you do not see. I am now working on trying to bring some RSS feeds on the site, quicker loading times, a possible online camera, and a new and improved map for all of you. I need to test all these things, and it all takes time. If you have something you would like to see on the site, please let me know, and I will try and get it on there for us all to enjoy. This site was built for all of you to enjoy and to get information from, so I am open to any or all ideas.

Hey Axl, you sure are the big shot now, aren't you! Mr. TV, magazines, websites,seminars and I think it is all BS. I have never seen you fish on the lake, I have never seen you at a boat ramp or at any of these so called seminars you claim to do. Why don't you quit and just go back to your useless life. If you ever want to catch fish or try to, sorry, go to a restaurant and buy them, probably your best bet BUDDY!. You suck and you know you are just full of crap and scamming everyone that comes to your site. I would not hire you, or buy a thing from you or your so called company. GET A LIFE!!!

You know this kind of stuff use to really bother me when I first started this website and my fishing career. Then a friend of mine told me a great quote, it went kind of like this, "It is pretty easy to sit behind a computer screen and bash someone, just blow them off and keep doing what you know is right." His name was Jerry R. from Manitowoc and after Jerry told me this, these types of comments do not bother me anymore. BUT, here is my reply to this person......

I do not force you to come to my site, to buy my guide service or my harnesses, or anything else I may offer. I have not forced you to buy a single type of magazine, or forced you to turn on the TV and see me on it. When I started this site, I was not on TV, or in a magazine at all, so that just goes to prove that you obviously must be following my career somewhat. I thank you for that, it is nice to know that someone is following me. I would never classify myself as a big shot either. I am open, honest and willing to help out others. I think I have done that for the most part, and I hope I can improve on it as well. My website was and is based on the truth, and will always be. I am proud of what I have accomplished over the past 3 years, and I know I have a lot to work on yet, to get to the top. I will continue to do my best and give all of you great information on a timely basis, and I just hope that when it does happen someday, that you sir, will be in the crowd just following me around some more. By the way, instead of sending me anonymus E-mails, at least be a man, and tell me who you are you coward! Have a good day!

Ok, well after that I am all done for this week. I hope to see you all out on the pond this Saturday, I will be there, so feel free to come on out and enjoy some good times. Be safe, have fun, and remember to take a kid fishing..............

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